This month, he escaped again, right? Last week, Do not Mess Of course, somewhere in Spain Do not provoke the beach and friends Facebook (paid advertising) photos of the beach (health Hansel), but the hard work of higher average quality. Holt everyone is born with an IQ neměřitelným and sometimes also have to learn ... I was not able to give on this side (as it typically tells parents bought me a long lead, how much are:)), so perhaps I will select some of the other (I'm betting lotto every week ...). But I zakecávat it just was not time to complete. We will not talk about it further, so the next time threatening e-mails such as "Do Give those statistics in there for ***** e 'to leave the road (Tondu health). There was a good time, the statistics for May, finally came to light the world on the Internet.
So, after the tragic April came to a nice refreshing . In May 1251 increased beautiful points (last month 1066) top 100 users and they can rejoice, because it's quite nice to return to glory. Chosen thirty gained from this package of nice points 928 (= 74%) and is also the growth of past 820 points in April. Numbers certainly happy to start, do not give room for conspiracy theories like that of April, which still leads me to question why it is so tragic month of April. Was the registration of paid? Few billboards on every second DVD? Few people used to get cheap books, which read the contents and saw CSFD logo on the back of every second (with outdated percentage points :)))? Or maybe Google just throw CSFD among the first references to the film searching for? There are hundreds of possible answers, but as is said in one of my oblíbeném filmu "vítr všechno odvál"... Uživatelé v top 30 si nemohou stěžovat ani průměrem, protože získali v průměru nějakých 30,7bodu za měsíc, což třeba Pohrobka se 7 body musí být hořkosladký bonbónek:). Ostatní v průměru 4,6 bodu... Ou. K tomu radši nic psát nebudu, nebo se těch 69 lidí ozve a budou si stěžovat:)). Na dalšího Jerryho na profilu už vážně nemám náladu...
Osobní výkony jsou opravdu úctyhodné. Golfista si se svou holí, pravděpodobně trojkou železo (komu to nedošlo, 3-iron;-)), odpálil Poma od své Kleopatry i od svého postu stále nejúspěšnějšího/nejoblíbenějšího uživatele ČSFD. Napadlo mě, napsat tomu neznámému pánovi a zeptat se ho, zda nebude chtít udělat pro měsíční statistiku malý rozhovor (otázky jako "kdo jsi a kde jsi vzal ty body, MLUV!" spojené s ostrým světlem mířeným do obličeje v malé místnosti se zrcadlem vynecháme, prozatím...). Možná by neměl zájem, možná přesně po tomhle touží... Pomo si přes ránu trojkou železem udržel místo "muže číslo dvě this database (which is interesting for the founders:-D) and Cleopatra is the third in threes, one lady (thankfully). After such items are flying on the swing, I need some Djkoma pleased, still catching his longtime rival, Renton. But it is Only one of the many battles that take place (to say that here tonight we're going to advertising, but also by trying to tighten Malarkey Posthumous, Lesumir ... will not place ...:- D). The "you for thirty" rules Surprisingly Cervenak with 26 points, he either exchange or other writing news opportunity to gain points (I hope it does not read any bodohonič:)). In close second is ... DaviD3141 about him later in a separate paragraph. In the lower parts of the first hundred, nothing happens extremely interesting, perhaps only second-rate at the previous departure of prominent sites and will soon be replaced by one of the three (of threes here we are today, but this time it's men ride:)) LIVINGDEAD, ScreamJay and Matt. .. Who is your favorite? I know a magician, you might come to the end of the show ...
So, after the tragic April came to a nice refreshing . In May 1251 increased beautiful points (last month 1066) top 100 users and they can rejoice, because it's quite nice to return to glory. Chosen thirty gained from this package of nice points 928 (= 74%) and is also the growth of past 820 points in April. Numbers certainly happy to start, do not give room for conspiracy theories like that of April, which still leads me to question why it is so tragic month of April. Was the registration of paid? Few billboards on every second DVD? Few people used to get cheap books, which read the contents and saw CSFD logo on the back of every second (with outdated percentage points :)))? Or maybe Google just throw CSFD among the first references to the film searching for? There are hundreds of possible answers, but as is said in one of my oblíbeném filmu "vítr všechno odvál"... Uživatelé v top 30 si nemohou stěžovat ani průměrem, protože získali v průměru nějakých 30,7bodu za měsíc, což třeba Pohrobka se 7 body musí být hořkosladký bonbónek:). Ostatní v průměru 4,6 bodu... Ou. K tomu radši nic psát nebudu, nebo se těch 69 lidí ozve a budou si stěžovat:)). Na dalšího Jerryho na profilu už vážně nemám náladu...
Osobní výkony jsou opravdu úctyhodné. Golfista si se svou holí, pravděpodobně trojkou železo (komu to nedošlo, 3-iron;-)), odpálil Poma od své Kleopatry i od svého postu stále nejúspěšnějšího/nejoblíbenějšího uživatele ČSFD. Napadlo mě, napsat tomu neznámému pánovi a zeptat se ho, zda nebude chtít udělat pro měsíční statistiku malý rozhovor (otázky jako "kdo jsi a kde jsi vzal ty body, MLUV!" spojené s ostrým světlem mířeným do obličeje v malé místnosti se zrcadlem vynecháme, prozatím...). Možná by neměl zájem, možná přesně po tomhle touží... Pomo si přes ránu trojkou železem udržel místo "muže číslo dvě this database (which is interesting for the founders:-D) and Cleopatra is the third in threes, one lady (thankfully). After such items are flying on the swing, I need some Djkoma pleased, still catching his longtime rival, Renton. But it is Only one of the many battles that take place (to say that here tonight we're going to advertising, but also by trying to tighten Malarkey Posthumous, Lesumir ... will not place ...:- D). The "you for thirty" rules Surprisingly Cervenak with 26 points, he either exchange or other writing news opportunity to gain points (I hope it does not read any bodohonič:)). In close second is ... DaviD3141 about him later in a separate paragraph. In the lower parts of the first hundred, nothing happens extremely interesting, perhaps only second-rate at the previous departure of prominent sites and will soon be replaced by one of the three (of threes here we are today, but this time it's men ride:)) LIVINGDEAD, ScreamJay and Matt. .. Who is your favorite? I know a magician, you might come to the end of the show ...
Black Chronicle Comrade Pilátová
AngelAngie - my own antireklama on this blog in the last two monthly summaries, in conjunction with the stupid behavior of girls, for whom the CSFD very little heat, meant that AA in THROUGH ban hug goodbye to the happy hunting grounds and points. Finally, the people there that this man does not deserve even keep your muddy bike, let alone some one point (of about 400 fans, you swore blood during the ritual ceremony of initiation into the Church of AA are only high statistical error ...). February? 35b. March? 18b. April? 0b. May? -1b. The world has changed forever and you will see that only in this case. (Incidentally, about three people I interviewed, as is he's mine, and it has since Eulenspiegel penetrated the account and played a bit with the "delete")
DaviD3141 - yes, again bodohoniče latest case, which is not afraid to publicly admit everything that makes him an idiot, and yet every day I look to the profile:). My only happiness and that the Pomo are afraid to delete one account to lose their income sweetheart ... It's a shame, because the man who deliberately describes content, comments (on the book 1001 movies to see before his death has certainly never in the hand, but cites it happened,> thx Oscar), changing points and still be granted to all ( Catharsis is a pleasure for him? Sexual? God knows ...). He said, that everything is over, yet it did not, so it will claim more points ... and it continued growing. But it is also the fact that these people do not think, yet can not point to any of 164 users, right? On this below ... Unfortunately, such "honest socek " there are more and more, and definitely have somewhere on your body tattooed DaviDa3141 effigy with the inscription "Property of DaviD3141" (Nip / Tuck MOP)
Igi.B -or Igi. Ban ... sad story of a man on the edge of society, who must travel the highway its Copro, misunderstood, and on the verge of power. Yes, igi.b got banned (for discussion). He thought about it a few years, until recently, would be worth every thanked him but it happened because they ran into a dubious sexual identity seeking amusements, which probably did not share igi.b (or was simply too far away ..), the infamous famous video film, the UK agent, volunteer collectors hovínek dog in the park, famous forwarder warm email, etc. (his biography is a bestseller within five years, will be limited edition his own skin and provide a back custom spine ...). But not going to scold him, to thank in part perhaps, but how this ban, it seems to me rather unfortunate ... Yet I am fascinated how the igiho was basically overnight martyr, poor thing, good and best friend of most users of discussion (about 1% of the total number of:)). AngelAngie eventually the statue on Petrin probably not (I was there, but there is something more now on the bushes Igi.b ...), so hopefully will get something like ... maybe not in this century, but when someone writes to his memory or, even better memories of people around him, may well be that a few millennia good hit. The proposed name? Igible.
Chupacabra - yes, my great friend, more of the visitors of my profile (this one I do not repel anyone from my profile, just Look:)) and the occasional hack into my "boards". He said he came to his senses, someone wrote it on the discussion, so I looked into his profile and found the return HERE. Probably familiar with DaviDem3141 or it is one and the same person? The truth is that somehow makes things that should not mean anything, but they wanted to prove something ("). He is a man who has dvacetioblíbených all 400 people, with whom exchanged item (??). It was he who pointed out bodohoniče, penetrated between them, played them and sacrificed the best years of his productive life that show us the "truth". He should get a medal. A statue. A metal sculpture of a naked babes ... lesbians:)
DaviD3141 - yes, again bodohoniče latest case, which is not afraid to publicly admit everything that makes him an idiot, and yet every day I look to the profile:). My only happiness and that the Pomo are afraid to delete one account to lose their income sweetheart ... It's a shame, because the man who deliberately describes content, comments (on the book 1001 movies to see before his death has certainly never in the hand, but cites it happened,> thx Oscar), changing points and still be granted to all ( Catharsis is a pleasure for him? Sexual? God knows ...). He said, that everything is over, yet it did not, so it will claim more points ... and it continued growing. But it is also the fact that these people do not think, yet can not point to any of 164 users, right? On this below ... Unfortunately, such "honest socek " there are more and more, and definitely have somewhere on your body tattooed DaviDa3141 effigy with the inscription "Property of DaviD3141" (Nip / Tuck MOP)
Igi.B -or Igi. Ban ... sad story of a man on the edge of society, who must travel the highway its Copro, misunderstood, and on the verge of power. Yes, igi.b got banned (for discussion). He thought about it a few years, until recently, would be worth every thanked him but it happened because they ran into a dubious sexual identity seeking amusements, which probably did not share igi.b (or was simply too far away ..), the infamous famous video film, the UK agent, volunteer collectors hovínek dog in the park, famous forwarder warm email, etc. (his biography is a bestseller within five years, will be limited edition his own skin and provide a back custom spine ...). But not going to scold him, to thank in part perhaps, but how this ban, it seems to me rather unfortunate ... Yet I am fascinated how the igiho was basically overnight martyr, poor thing, good and best friend of most users of discussion (about 1% of the total number of:)). AngelAngie eventually the statue on Petrin probably not (I was there, but there is something more now on the bushes Igi.b ...), so hopefully will get something like ... maybe not in this century, but when someone writes to his memory or, even better memories of people around him, may well be that a few millennia good hit. The proposed name? Igible.
Chupacabra - yes, my great friend, more of the visitors of my profile (this one I do not repel anyone from my profile, just Look:)) and the occasional hack into my "boards". He said he came to his senses, someone wrote it on the discussion, so I looked into his profile and found the return HERE. Probably familiar with DaviDem3141 or it is one and the same person? The truth is that somehow makes things that should not mean anything, but they wanted to prove something ("). He is a man who has dvacetioblíbených all 400 people, with whom exchanged item (??). It was he who pointed out bodohoniče, penetrated between them, played them and sacrificed the best years of his productive life that show us the "truth". He should get a medal. A statue. A metal sculpture of a naked babes ... lesbians:)
few "facts" in May 2010:
average growth points by TOP 30: b 30.9 (27.3 last month, b) Average growth
points by top 31-100: 4.6B (3.5 b) Average growth points
users top 100 : 12.5 b (10.7 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Golfer 76b (93b Pomo)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Cervenak 26b (Eulenspiegel 26b)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the frog, you can not jump": Bart and Chupacabra-4b (Faye-9b)
It's all for this month, I'm sorry that it did not work out exactly on the fifth or sixth, or seventh ... but in the end that we are happy for me and I can be on the mound for the bell and end this pleasant encounter with "reality" the largest database of Czech film:))
PS: for all the points very much!
:-) PPS: Malarkey to me it nepovídá, said of him writing nasty things ... Lesumir but to me writing all the time, but it says PR Sunday stood, only occasionally does now on GoGo Dancer (?). Does anyone interested to get involved? Money for that are not obscene emails to lubricate keyword = no criticism or insults, and if you're good, you lesumir dance:))
PPPS: next time will be more pictures, let even the weaker owner to look at ... (Which is also space for CSFD models, you want to be famous for CSFD? Will you do the casting at all? Write:-D)
PPPS: next time will be more pictures, let even the weaker owner to look at ... (Which is also space for CSFD models, you want to be famous for CSFD? Will you do the casting at all? Write:-D)
F * Djkoma