Another month is gone. Changes? She came to school with her pile of boring and tedious work, which makes free evenings, full of popcorn and cola (legally obtained!) Film, an impossible dream. Likewise, the clock hanging on the CSFD century music history, because I have nothing to evaluate or comment (yes, I hear the applause and sighs of gratitude to the heavens by some:)), no discussion of price monitoring (continuous pack users and Hate issues far beyond those of the film?) and perhaps the last reason for going to the CSFD is a post ... as striking today for all the facebook and the internet. September brings a month of delay in addition to the news that some in-depth look at the top 100 and concerns about the future of similar articles. Without your feedback, and preferably, cash subsidies will run throughout the organization CSFD statistics impossible person! Save us instead of those of dolphins and homeless people ...
" Points of CSFD is one of the unavoidable conditions of happiness. "
(Leo Tolstoy - the modern version)
Chapter I: The manipulator coma or to influence the world with a blog?
long (few seconds) I tried to leave the room by some of the controversial (read: collectors items) and keep stats on her blog as nehumorného, \u200b\u200buncritical, impartial and politically correct text that would address only the lovers of numbers. Cool distance from their own experience and visual paradoxes (+20 points per month when opisujete comments from the book?) unfortunately did not have a chance and everything has turned into a curse and aggravation in the local articles. Should it make sense? Yes, it should. A typical user is changer TheMaker beloved, who had in one month, then wrote the January 2010 earnings stunning 75 points. In the same month celebrities like Blizzard, Douglas and Houdini could only blush. Is relying on the supply points because of "location" and forgot to draw attention ... This shrewd businessman managed to get up to 38 place overall. At this time (again) goes back to the five-hundredth point, and I rejoice, because users already know about it. In September, could fall by ten points! If the points in October will go down, it will be the end of a legend ... tear me a few tears dropped, virtual, but it was a tear! At the same time also scares me too, I got this ... "With great power comes great responsibility"
September was a hellish month, which added just 1,178 points, which is about 400 fewer than last month. Frightening. And because the average growth of users top100 just 11.8 points, 31.5 users top30 weak points ... What is it? Entrance to school, work, sick leave or maternity? Everything is possible. The actual user statistics are quite interesting and refreshing. Finally, a few changes. Exactly in the spirit that I recently suggested a golfer removed from the post of celebrities most profitable of the current database. Cleopatra is not afraid to jump his "companion" to 4 points and achieve a beautiful 76 points. Practically every month, a pair of daddy-mommy founder dogged with a capital P, but this time it is not so! It's incredible, Pomo about saving items for Christmas to be shared (and he won the competition "who gets the most points under the tree" a good twenty points:)). The executioner is only in recent weeks in discussions CSFD ubiquitous chameleon KevSpa. Woman whom most people remember under icons (which gives it the mystery and at the same time, who do not remember the nick, so according to the icon never nezorientuje, clever girl!) Scored the 66th number Perhaps it would prefer 69, but that's too bad this time. When is the fourth big P has in fact haunted by unknown users of the third grade, as Mr C Don C and K cat but I can not mention an interesting change in the user's Council, which jumped from last +12 to +28 points, and vice versa from Lebowski +44 to +14 ... For the bottom layer, or users of worse quality than the third:) this month has been relatively weak. Being in the top 30 and only have single-digit growth points is a bit of wasted potential. Maybe Adrian definitely deserves more than +3 points ...
second part of the field are riding a fairly decent landslide points. Icons of the lower floors as Malarkey (by the way, it does not cooperate with me, so do not put any points: D), or burnt-out star Cervenak L-AngelAngie world can not come through +10 points. But Terrifying operates four mandes, Rob Roy and May TheMaker. This "block" is either zero or negative (in the table is the red-yellow block in the middle:)). Unfortunately, three of the four mentioned, this result repeated in the second month in a row ... It is not good. Following points constantly hungry queen subtitle larelay. Her pace (every month at +18!) Is practically impossible to resist and we can say that this woman slowly climbs into the top 30th Yet it is not until Christmas, but next year for sure. More yellow box and the Chupacabra. This hardly identifiable object, which I've been here often wrote them last month in severe depression. It is a pity, even as I have stopped writing on the wall profile. It's a nice gesture from him :-). Last month was very positive for another individual, which in itself is a little controversy, Shadwell. Today I talked to him, has been an increase of 10 points sad. His expectations are somewhere between 50 and 100 points, I always said that the boy has a great imagination ... What is striking is the subsequent group of people with zero points. Whether Kulmon, Che, Karlos80, or Tombac Shushika ... who would have to say ... +4 points gets his eternal drudge and databases, Bart. The last mention of users Slovak Top100 will be the star of the local swimming pools, all dolphin dolphin, Flipper. Unfortunately, "Prešov fellow citizens" may cry, probably because Flipper relocated for better conditions (nursing nicer, more water, more rybiččččček ...) to a rival company Banskobystrický bottler:). Last detail, the top 100 will be in the moment already have a new member by slasher. His actions in recent months has been strong, its marketing strategy perfectly targeted (also I'm in his group on facebook: D) and the following months the chance to ascend to the other fellow horror. Congrats! Who dropped out? Sluggish previous ... (Bet for output by Matt is still in the top100, support him too!)
second part of the field are riding a fairly decent landslide points. Icons of the lower floors as Malarkey (by the way, it does not cooperate with me, so do not put any points: D), or burnt-out star Cervenak L-AngelAngie world can not come through +10 points. But Terrifying operates four mandes, Rob Roy and May TheMaker. This "block" is either zero or negative (in the table is the red-yellow block in the middle:)). Unfortunately, three of the four mentioned, this result repeated in the second month in a row ... It is not good. Following points constantly hungry queen subtitle larelay. Her pace (every month at +18!) Is practically impossible to resist and we can say that this woman slowly climbs into the top 30th Yet it is not until Christmas, but next year for sure. More yellow box and the Chupacabra. This hardly identifiable object, which I've been here often wrote them last month in severe depression. It is a pity, even as I have stopped writing on the wall profile. It's a nice gesture from him :-). Last month was very positive for another individual, which in itself is a little controversy, Shadwell. Today I talked to him, has been an increase of 10 points sad. His expectations are somewhere between 50 and 100 points, I always said that the boy has a great imagination ... What is striking is the subsequent group of people with zero points. Whether Kulmon, Che, Karlos80, or Tombac Shushika ... who would have to say ... +4 points gets his eternal drudge and databases, Bart. The last mention of users Slovak Top100 will be the star of the local swimming pools, all dolphin dolphin, Flipper. Unfortunately, "Prešov fellow citizens" may cry, probably because Flipper relocated for better conditions (nursing nicer, more water, more rybiččččček ...) to a rival company Banskobystrický bottler:). Last detail, the top 100 will be in the moment already have a new member by slasher. His actions in recent months has been strong, its marketing strategy perfectly targeted (also I'm in his group on facebook: D) and the following months the chance to ascend to the other fellow horror. Congrats! Who dropped out? Sluggish previous ... (Bet for output by Matt is still in the top100, support him too!)
Black Chronicle Comrade Pilátová
AngelAngie - Recent congratulatory odes changed in a significant retreat from glory. For the angel was the final stop on the CSFD incidents with a trip to the Poma. Last month, the classic gets +5 points for its "Broadcast ...". Let her light country database ...
Pumiiix -changer said, and certainly my profile stalker, so I thank him for driving traffic:) compared to its competitor is experiencing solid growth TheMakerovi, +9 points. It's about another user to shoot, But it should be all we're wrong ... should never not trade section! Maybe it's actually a girl ... on the Internet everything is possible:)
DaviD3141 -in such a short time he became a legend, the notion. I rewrite all your commentary, I give away the movie ratings, as seen, wanted to get rid of unnecessary label converters and users. Reality or fiction? Actually I had forgotten how many comments had many reviews, I simply forgot that the person on the database. And now I wish you and everyone else:)
Due to declining effort of those users to be seen, I asked for interesting ideas in this section. By Hammer on!
few "facts" in September 2010
average growth points by TOP 30: b 31.5 (40.8 last month, b)
average increase of 31-100 points by TOP: 3.33 b (4.66 b) Average growth
points by top 100: 11.8 b (15.5 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great jumper of the month ": Cleopatra 76b (93b Golfer)
most points in the top 31-100 aka" Little Frog Month ": Larelay 18b (25b Larelay)
lost most of the top 100 points aka Frog, what can not jump ": The Maker -10b (Hal_Moore-3b)
all my fans thank you for (not) expressed support for even the hidden přetvařováním the discussions:) thank you for each item!
PS: CSFD team statistics (c ) left Malarkey, Lesumir now solve personal problems with the girl's suicide gradients (and it was not Malarkey, if someone thought it ;-)) and adepts in the position of company secretary with no clothes on bankruptcy somehow failed (three transvestites, two men dressed as men! "and women over 30 do not count ...). This allows you to send me a resume / menu / price list, either by email or in comments below the article. From 1.11. will run first round of tendering process, which I will of course accept bribes as our beloved politicians and oversee the fairness of the proceedings. I send account number mejla too ...
PPS: the fact that throughout this article, written in large letters CSFD is not paid at all ... Nobody has contacted me, did not offer anything, or anything else. And from 24 there for 14 days will not, because adventitious holiday ...
F * Djkoma