Inception (Beginning) - Impressions
beginning comes to cinema, more and more comparisons with the Matrix, the IMDB rating may soon be at its maximum (as well as the CSFD) and female viewers headlong into the cinemas. Someone referred Trailer expected to hit in the second mild disappointment is afraid of high expectations. One thing is certain, Nolan made the film, which will be a long time the main source for most of the topics of film and discussion forums will discuss all possible details and possible interpretations. First easy going approach, in which the viewer is thrown and then more to the film.
Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is the best thief of ideas, which you can hire. During sleep, the target person she gets into the dream and find what they need, without awakening the body remember anything. However, it is forced to run through the hands of justice and can not be with their children. He wants to change it and adopt the latest work. That he can recover his lost life like for him and his team can become fatal. The issue is a classic action but a revelation of thought into the subject, which will influence the life. Cobb now has put together the best in the industry and create a Multi-dream, which will make its aim is willing to destroy the entire empire built by his father. All is complicated when Cobb's conscience about his wife's death will affect the entire event ...
at first sight is Inception unique perspective on the classic stories of robberies, but not all. Love story, which, according to the content may look more like a fine background is in fact one of the key articles, perhaps the most far-reaching. The relationship between Cobb and his wife, accompanied by feelings of guilt from the statement (there's that word deliberately, perhaps you will see a second article on the possible meanings, interpretations), the man behind the woman's own catharsis and a return to the rest of the family, children. Despite a strong love story line will definitely a big part of the spectators still remember the very long building and residing in dreams that are simply amazing. Virtual spaces of the matrix are one thing, but purposely built building in the city and the snowy mountains is another. Clean and stylish, however, reeks of both worlds and it is easy to replace ... The difference is especially evident in the meaning of these places. In the Matrix, he constructs and other virtual worlds such as artificial artificial environment for learning and preparation for "real" virtual world, the Matrix. Inception In these dreams, or their levels, and building a real environment, which is to imitate reality. Coming in to them is a controlled process, controllable and changeable world. The whole mythology of the dream is a charming, absorbing, and clearly explained (although a few details I'd still like to hear from Christopher:)), but certainly not primitive.
The Interpretation of main line and various symbols are certainly many, a couple of interesting for me, certainly I'll mention in another article. Nolan, however, is interesting for its technical brilliance and sophisticated concepts as well as his own plan to transfer "message", but also the degree of detail with which he won. From the details (Nolan
form with DiCaprio, allusions to the imagination, paradoxes and reflections / mirroring) to the "quirks" (Edith Piaf, scale, referring to the imagination POINTMAN). In ordinary blockbuster, which typically describes a contemporary American audience, the majority of elements found their place, because it would unnecessarily distracted by all viewer's visual effects and nonsensical logic complexity. There must be time for thinking, because it would kill fun. When you see here Gordon-Levitt in zero gravity to move with their running mates and sleeping in a changing gravity, you will weep with pleasure you can without worrying that the form does not make sense. That is a clear Inception opposite, because there is a place for thinking, which Nolan makes with every step, as well as Cobb wife the whole story to an expected end. It is the end for me, big and juicy cherry on the cake, because in 5 seconds, one shot can inspire thought as well as a whole is trying Cobbův team most of the film. After all, this movie is so powerful medium that can affect the viewer from inside nahryzat doubt, other ideas .. huh? (Intentional allusion, perhaps thinking that leads to an interesting thought about the meaning of the film in relation to a dream ... oh that Hollywood, the Dream Factory polished ;-)
I've finally lived to see me and proper emotions, which I reproached the cool Dark Knight. I do not want to say that Nolan learned or mend his ways, because I think that the coldness in his movies is intentional, and for him personally very important, even though it has never acknowledged me about yourself:). Inception is, however, the direction of strong emotions throughout the film. It helps that the technical perfection, purity of style (and vice versa), most scenes, but also the music that accompanied its ease heavy moments it thickens and a great atmosphere. Of course, nothing in all this was not without actors who excel in one essence, but there is so much that anyone can (and will be right) argue that it has no such space as the viewer wants. It does not matter at all, because it fits into the concept, we will enjoy each and everyone happy. Even if DiCaprio was slowly becoming the greatest actor of recent years. (And by the way, such action cut scenes, the action itself, or about 10 minutes after the first dream event is not the best, what to see this movie ... but still worth seeing:))
event of the year, with strong emotions, the interpretive possibilities , unbelievable pace and currently is director nejvyrovnanějšího most personal work today. Enjoy it, not just once.
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