( Note. excuse the lack sarkazmu and other diseases, Christmas time toll on the author)
Christmas, Christmas come, sing and celebrate friends CSFD. Yes it is, after a year will again be giving away gifts. Many of us get in the family a couple of silly (in pink shirt), useless (in pink sweater) and neutral gifts (socks are always useful, of course, pink ;-)), time but certainly appears as a good movie on DVD or blurayi. These gifts we will be able to take a firm grip on his arms and sleep with them under one blanket. But there are also gifts which are rather abstract and get the whole year. For our beloved movie database, which builds its own family circle, received the gift designation "points" and give people the whole year. It's beautiful, is not it? No purchase required two days before Christmas Day, but year-round gifts that are recorded and even people forget them when you lay in a corner or envelop threshold and disappear for good. This large family of them, unfortunately, does not one of great joy and knowledge of the man who you gave a gift (for children under 10 years, it is Jesus, you're it varies according to the financial situation in the family). Each of us, even those who swear on these points, it would certainly look at least like to thank the donors who wanted to please them and give them a show of affection. It is also unfortunate that when people grow up and stop believing in Santa Claus, as well as weakening for gifts such as points, and be grateful for at least a little grateful. Other gifts that a large family of CSFD handed out, the various improvements existing database system. These gifts are not as common, but those in the second section. After all this is a festive time of year-end. Christmas is not just a dead carp smrdící slowly leaving a live tree or an artificial imitation of the tree even remotely AA certainly is not about waiting a week, the most drunken day of the year.
well as a brief editorial in the November statistic, the whole conducted in the spirit of Christmas, because More statistics will be in January and there will be another year of our common life and work. To keep the mood going to light some candles and turn on the decorative lighting on the window, I hope you never forget it off before bedtime, let the Christmas nenadělím PRESTAB spent kdyžtak flat ... it reminds me ;-). I look at the first picture clearly states that in December will receive a gift especially writers of biographies, which were added in November incredible ... zero. Inevitably, therefore, in December (here in the U.S. are not erased) must be better. Other figures are similar to those of October. Regained more than 1,500 films, actors, this time even 630 other directors 200, 184 attractions, beautiful content in 1068 and 1633 posters. I hope that, particularly in the last number someone gave careful and do not take any ugly fan version of the poster, as was the case last month. Slowly we come to the most interesting numbers today, and it is the growth of users and increase the number of comments the database. I have to say that people are surprised again. After the last register 4572 new users in November, they added even 5202! It is hard to understand, but I'm starting to worry that some have viewed from nurseries or kindergartens. They will have a minute more than the Blizzard evaluation (poor, slowly falling from the top 10 most users of the evaluation will have to watch two movies at the same time to keep pace as users LaSandra ...). Comments over users increased less than in the previous month. It's a strange phenomenon, but I predict (Nostradamus MOP), in December, those comments more than 30,000, and finally creates a new record in the reference data that is surprisingly attractive.
small picture hiding a big secret
As I have said above, this second way can be presented with the CSFD is to improve the system. In addition to discussions of several questionable existences seeking coveted Administrative functions are also many people who are willing to suggest improvements. They unfortunately do not come only with an understanding of most other users (speech as it was already there, it's crap like increased up one's ego:)) and no leadership. However, to get me some information of which I reproached the following list of likely (!) Enhancements, which can not wait for Christmas, so pinch mice and lean into the chair, here we go:
Five tips for a gift under the tree with ornaments from the movie Santa Pomo:

* Soundtrack. Yes, soundtracks will be and more. The plans for next Christmas is in the following order the following extensions: stunt, caterers, manufacturers chairs for the actors, wages and budgets, visual effects, producers and screenwriters. I look forward to in about 10 years, the CSFD comprehensive profile of each movie ... and finally, Peter Kent, jumping in line two Terminator s motorkou do odvodňovacího kanálu, dočká zasloužených ovací.
** Přes několik uživatelů, kteří nenávidí a odsuzují sociální sítě (protože si je nikdo nepřidává do přátel;-)), se stejně celá databáze musí propojit s Facebookem a Twitterem. Budou založeny účty, na kterých můžete sledovat nejen nové komentáře a hodnocení (podle nastavení třeba i jen své topky), ale dokonce bude možnost sledovat nové příspěvky na diskuzích! Online a všude. Facebook získá možnost propojení s účtem the database, each comment and your rating will be updated on your profile! The world will never be the same as before ...
*** VIP accounts - users get the option to pay (SMS, account, paypal) VIP account, which allows them access to new features that are included in this package. What will be there? For a few bucks a month you can change / add pictures in the film, commentaries evaluate the positive and negative points, you can access the forum where admins and much, much more. In recent weeks, read some posts on the discussion, I realized that this review would just be a dream come true many a user.
**** CSFD change your design. There will be no step into the unknown, it is clear that the CSFD will never try to copy the IMDb. For this reason, the site basically completely white, will remain at the top left red CSFD description, and all lines and separators will be red. On the main page will be using a flash animation latest news and various other statistics that every user must have on hand (the last comment, biographies, most recently, "who was born on this day" (I look forward to emails from protesting kevspy:)), etc.). It is clear that it will be the only original on the whole Internet, and we just got more proud!
***** They lifted points. Yes, it happens because everyone wants it. The result? Topka will remain but will feature nebodovací (and will have an unlimited number). Itself will have two scoring form. The first is classified according to merit CSFD (VIP users will have 2 more points for each performance), so any assessment of the point, comment 5 points, biographies, 25 etc. The second method of scoring will be a VIP user, who would be positive and negative evaluations evaluate any contribution, comments, ratings and even a user profile. For every negative point and point, of course, fewer users, and vice versa for positive surges. Keeping you from this project promises a single, larger equity (LeSandra, Houdini and Blizzard dominate CSFD:)), reduction mulťáků, reducing the number of reviews and commentaries on films, seen by the user and, ultimately, relaxation of abuse, many users of unfairness scoring system.
** Přes několik uživatelů, kteří nenávidí a odsuzují sociální sítě (protože si je nikdo nepřidává do přátel;-)), se stejně celá databáze musí propojit s Facebookem a Twitterem. Budou založeny účty, na kterých můžete sledovat nejen nové komentáře a hodnocení (podle nastavení třeba i jen své topky), ale dokonce bude možnost sledovat nové příspěvky na diskuzích! Online a všude. Facebook získá možnost propojení s účtem the database, each comment and your rating will be updated on your profile! The world will never be the same as before ...
*** VIP accounts - users get the option to pay (SMS, account, paypal) VIP account, which allows them access to new features that are included in this package. What will be there? For a few bucks a month you can change / add pictures in the film, commentaries evaluate the positive and negative points, you can access the forum where admins and much, much more. In recent weeks, read some posts on the discussion, I realized that this review would just be a dream come true many a user.
**** CSFD change your design. There will be no step into the unknown, it is clear that the CSFD will never try to copy the IMDb. For this reason, the site basically completely white, will remain at the top left red CSFD description, and all lines and separators will be red. On the main page will be using a flash animation latest news and various other statistics that every user must have on hand (the last comment, biographies, most recently, "who was born on this day" (I look forward to emails from protesting kevspy:)), etc.). It is clear that it will be the only original on the whole Internet, and we just got more proud!
***** They lifted points. Yes, it happens because everyone wants it. The result? Topka will remain but will feature nebodovací (and will have an unlimited number). Itself will have two scoring form. The first is classified according to merit CSFD (VIP users will have 2 more points for each performance), so any assessment of the point, comment 5 points, biographies, 25 etc. The second method of scoring will be a VIP user, who would be positive and negative evaluations evaluate any contribution, comments, ratings and even a user profile. For every negative point and point, of course, fewer users, and vice versa for positive surges. Keeping you from this project promises a single, larger equity (LeSandra, Houdini and Blizzard dominate CSFD:)), reduction mulťáků, reducing the number of reviews and commentaries on films, seen by the user and, ultimately, relaxation of abuse, many users of unfairness scoring system.
What are you looking forward? Alternatively, the waste! was left to the users' suggestions ... how typical:)
You guys and gals in the top 30 really are. You must tell everyone, looking at the dot gain in November. Golfers nepáral it again, hit the ball straight through the green and a few seconds later, thanks to a slight breeze could be attributed to hole-in-one, with 102 points leaving as the winner of the month. The second went to a number of Pomo which nefoukl breeze, but please read hundreds of points each. It is great founder Strikes Cleopatra, who missed the green about ten meters (you know, a woman ...). However, their 93 points is definitely the result for which should stick to throw into the nearest bunker and pick up the closest direction bar. Remainder of the first thirty again is boring. The only interesting bit is Faye and +1 points. After her escape, the FDB is a wonder that the decline is so slight ... Just one point rise this month, a relatively widespread phenomenon that surprised. Who would guess that the style "Kalousek you the one" will be the ones CSFD even 12th .. heck, many of ones together!
After the first thirty to finally start happening. No longer meeting the unknown people who receive +50 Points per month due to its location (cash rent will be around until the next calendar year). Here are falling head figuratively and users oscillate between +25 and -4 points ... It's a nice range, which is surprisingly large. They may also talk about the stars of past years, AngelAngie +4 b +1 budgets opisující mandes b and dolphin, Flipper what doskákal +2 p These are still in the black, but their speed increases are echoes of the past. To celebrate the contrary can be slasher who rocketed horror-way got into the top 100 and continues with growth points. This time, acquired a horror fan / expert as you want, and +14 points towards higher and higher. He can match got to David3141, sullied the image of me, ignoring the big rise, and even not writing it here. Writes and writes messages ... Incomprehensible for me was twenty-three-point rise by T2, which mandese style (he's somehow even after it took over), continues typing and earnings budget films in the comments. The lack of this information is spoken every CSFD week, but have a comment, these data from elsewhere, it does not show too creative spirit.
" only downside to the CSFD scoring system is that at Christmas you can not put any point, but those still only nineteen ... " John Doe
The real fun begins, however, looking at users in an overdraft. What is it? Either do not go to discussion and there nenadávají to any other user, or they have simply stolen CSFD. Between May of that one S-3B, with TheMaker-1b (the declining series of points continues, there is justice!) Chupacabra-3b (same case as TheMaker) hirnlego-1b (NJ, Bara), Tron-3b (which is a +10 b from last month's very surprising!) bluntman-1b ( about someone replaced the original:)), ARX-3b, Jossie -2, Marius-4b (unfortunately, most point looser November, funeral flowers will be sent to the address of Facebook), Melies-2b-2b CheGuevera, tombac-1b, Eodeon-2b-3b Mr.Apache, Lynn-1b and the last, DWI,-1b for the month of November. Altogether 13 (how lucky) users with a drop ... A sad month, not to mention a pile of stagnant users of the Next 7 We'll see whether the Pomo Santa this Christmas and give up some points and finally lit up the face above named, who mourn their sad loss ... None of the family would not cry because it did not get presents!
" only downside to the CSFD scoring system is that at Christmas you can not put any point, but those still only nineteen ... " John Doe
The real fun begins, however, looking at users in an overdraft. What is it? Either do not go to discussion and there nenadávají to any other user, or they have simply stolen CSFD. Between May of that one S-3B, with TheMaker-1b (the declining series of points continues, there is justice!) Chupacabra-3b (same case as TheMaker) hirnlego-1b (NJ, Bara), Tron-3b (which is a +10 b from last month's very surprising!) bluntman-1b ( about someone replaced the original:)), ARX-3b, Jossie -2, Marius-4b (unfortunately, most point looser November, funeral flowers will be sent to the address of Facebook), Melies-2b-2b CheGuevera, tombac-1b, Eodeon-2b-3b Mr.Apache, Lynn-1b and the last, DWI,-1b for the month of November. Altogether 13 (how lucky) users with a drop ... A sad month, not to mention a pile of stagnant users of the Next 7 We'll see whether the Pomo Santa this Christmas and give up some points and finally lit up the face above named, who mourn their sad loss ... None of the family would not cry because it did not get presents!
few "facts" in November 2010
average growth points by TOP 30: b 39.4 (37b last month) rise in average points
users Top 31-100: 3.17 b (4.5 b) Average growth
points by top 100: 14b (14.3 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Golfer 102b (Golfer 100b)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Cervenak 25b (28b Malarkey)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the biggest looser database: -4b Marius (The Maker - 9b)
So it's over ... Today it was long, but it was a valid reason. For the next You can look forward to several new products that are not yet planned, but instead put it bluntly tell you only wrote about their plans do not want to talk, and you can enjoy:) It is possible that the magician finally arrives, but can also lose the polar bear (when it can be found on the tropical island, so why not on the Web ;-)). Regarding all the points, most point of what I do not even give a thank you and I am glad that I am (not) has been endowed. I will try your (not) be disappointed. Thanks so much again and soon perhaps sooner than you think, Good bye.
PS: The show was sponsored CSFD site, which the author promised a regular supply of points won in competitions on the main page and some of those volňásky in Prague cinemas. The high readership will pay significantly higher, so čecháčkové Be kind one to read the author and wish only the best ;-):-) are after Christmas!
PPS: competition for it, if Matt will be in the top 100 by the end of the year continues:) lacks the three points and I look forward to win:-P so that they will participate in the action "Give Matt a Gift! Besides the "Save the dolphin Flipper" already the second charity event of this blog. The author feels very good, and therefore no longer be giving any money to children's homes, or Unicef.
end ... and a little gift from me, maybe in 2011 you will not bother boring statistics. Lack of (Ukrainian) workforce meant that I have to do other laudable work ... goodbye and farewell? Forever? F * Djkoma
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