Christmas special edition of the statistics was marked by the wait for gifts, a sense of impatience with the unpacking and Of course, the preparations for the visit to Santa Poma. He came and his biscuit in milk can not eat (it may be the fact that the Czech Republic are stacks of his character too much to see ...). First, we wept, but gradually moved everything (even when what was to be on Christmas Eve, and what was not on New Year's Eve, should be at least three of the king ...). All, however, turned in a good story and a feast was waiting for the happy ending, we all got ...
Some of the until now can not get over this and live events, others are still logging on good old and sadly expect the final transition to the new design. However, this story will talk about all the details until the next issue (or maybe even spectacular special! The first and perhaps last special edition due to the change because the beloved database ...), still undergoing changes and is not good to criticize ( three years) the division of labor. Once the final product will also be the final article. The arrival binds to another event, called "point of enlightenment." In this incident (some users also say it Miracle of 24 January) started to grow multiple users points. Delayed gift in the form of 300 or more points? Who would have refused? However, no one and certainly not those who despise the body, but the main question is how such a thing possible? Some think that users largely come to realize that these users have not been mentioned yet are the chosen elite, and to be much higher. Others again think that it was wrong of ... If so, the idea scares me that the system is to manipulate the points. We all noticed that sometimes disappears a few points to many users. The joke about the discussions said, it is blurring the dead souls (ie inactive users), but this? Definitely ask the users who have been chosen. The truth is that I do not want to appoint (yeah, there was the Pomo, who had not expected it, let him call the phone), but I'll show you a nice screenshot , including the subsequent state of the February 1, 2011 ...
database is constantly growing
points being added
New pages have brought about a slight improvement and it is finally working again counting biographies. As I was informed from internal sources, already a month ago, an old CSFD does not counter this quarter. So do not take as biographies of 471 per month increase, but rather three. Why work and other data only this not is another question and another man. Unfortunately I do not know why such information about actors in the database for new and old Č disagree, but perhaps this is another small fly that flies the system and gives points. Who knows. Does it cost 39 thousand new comment Comments (word chosen intentionally)?
'Day, when a man has not a single point should be considered lost. "
'Day, when a man has not a single point should be considered lost. "
Victor Hugo
at the beginning of the article I talked about the gifts of a new design, it is one thing, but also handing out points, and honestly, more than at any previous Christmas. It's strange, because December is the month when the users get the most points, but this time it's January. Fantastic results and reached three dad-mom-founder, or rather dad-mom-founder, as in recent months emerged as the first three. It's amazing, since the gain points 178-172-157 record to date is tracking statistics (yes, they all get drunk tonight and just twice!). Ask how they did today is naive. Just sign right blood paper and will be done. An interesting situation is now behind them, where Houdini kevspa and losing with only 96 and 80 points and Cival with Don Corleone give an offer that can not be rejected. So at least 122 (or 113) users failed to reject it (and do not know how many of them had to wake up with a bloody head under the duvet!). These two points also celebrate his record, and I ask, is it really fair? Are all those points really only thanks to new users (There is a way in January 7339, yes, scary). Cival and Don got more points twice in January than in December! TWICE! Incomprehensible distribution points can be well illustrated and widely respected for Adriano, who had in December and January +3 +20 points! The rest of the TOP 30 most collect significantly more points than in other months.
rest of the Top 100 is odd. Bay at the beginning, takes place in 1931 is user Malarkey, who with an average of 15.7 points per month ranked among the most profitable by "the rest of CSFD, how Top30-262365 can refer. Nevertheless, the points on the 2nd of the month, when the general was giving out. What is it? Unfortunately I have confirmed screenshot that Malarkey week ago had around 720 points and then suddenly slump down. It is his first negative balance and the first cause for mourning and reflection on its possible style. Do not worry Tom, waiting for us all, but I bet that next month you're in high plus about 20 to 25 points. Then in January the outcome even more puzzling ... At the other extreme sits Cervenak user who quickly rises to the TOP30, and after a long break has become the best collector items in the "rest of the CSFD. His 51 points in January is an impressive figure especially in relation to the December 26 points ... where most people take. Even the same competition, the winner of the December Larelay has "only" 43 points. In fact, in "points of enlightenment" lived to see his 15 minutes of fame also user T2 which is famous for his supernatural abilities quickly using the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C and CTRL + V (a pity that he did not choose such a nick). He also TOP30 moment, but he is back on his 48th place with 33 points rise in ... Again, it was 32p in December and holds a high standard of points, which would be the envy of Faye. Spot gifts are also related to increases in negative long holdujícího Arxe that after 4 months, finally scored +4 points. Right behind him is moving there the well-known from the post office (and thankfully it's not bored and sick girl from Czech Post me last week again ...), pretty mad this time internal. David3141 attributes for a long time plus points, even the 11th The negative numbers in this month, leaving only five users and three of them get popular price "the biggest looser database (to be looser is so super cool). With -3 points for the month ended January Melies, CheGuevara and Flipper. In this sad and depressing moment for them, I prefer to keep talking, because I do not want to hurt their feelings or those delfínovské, not revolutionary ones.
few "facts" in January 2011
average increase in points by TOP 30: b 65.8 (41.7 last month, b)
average increase of 31-100 points by TOP: 8.17 b (5.65 b)
average increase in points by top 100: 25.5 b (16.5 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Golfer 178B! (Golfer POMO and 106b)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Cervenak 71 b (larelay 37b)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the biggest looser database: Melies, CheGuevara and Flipper -3b (charlosina-6b)
F * Djkoma
average increase of 31-100 points by TOP: 8.17 b (5.65 b)
average increase in points by top 100: 25.5 b (16.5 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Golfer 178B! (Golfer POMO and 106b)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Cervenak 71 b (larelay 37b)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the biggest looser database: Melies, CheGuevara and Flipper -3b (charlosina-6b)
hear the question again, what will be next, who comes into the studio and will be broadcast live and I must say again that for a live broadcast ever dare. Therefore, the offline version of the text, as is customary. But expect a change. New design brings change of the top 30 to top 50 and maybe I'm finally brings some soul willing to cooperate. In the meantime a lot of points, points, points, points and some money, whether you can buy points. (By the way, thank you all for the points
:-))) PS: this time without the supplement.
:-))) PS: this time without the supplement.
F * Djkoma
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