February is gone and it has also signed another stage in the traditional monthly statistics. My responsibilities (for which I am still paid, but who is ... the CSFD), each month is becoming more problematic. Less time, less taste. No bother, I will summarize it this time around is much quicker, more nahustím text and I'll keep all the wonderful ideas and arguments in some nice work in school ...
of discussion this time can not pinpoint any moment, which this month has no effect or even halt the operation of the entire database. Apart from a small woody turmoil around the flame x Eulenspiegel, already bogged down with dust, there is only Oscar (Oscar be better ) madness. Personally, I have this debate this fully launched, rumors about how all know, yet nobody knows, I have somehow tired. I launched the ceremony itself as well, since not all have the opportunity to leave (the health of Charlie ;-)). I dealt with the results on another page of your blog, so I go to K. .. Event of the month.
Last Boy Scout among users - verbal?
his way to the top of each monitor and especially TV Nova, which it will soon bring the story into fragments. After the user as themaker, chupacabra, angelangie and others who collecting items such as mushrooms after rain, and went willingly or twice, there is verbal with his incredible point rises. At the instigation of an unnamed colleague, I watched verbal since January, when he looked at the top 100 with a respectable distance. The January increase in its use, however, recalls the beautiful ride hockey gold in Nagano. This user (I wanted to write one, but due to his avatar ...) is beyond the conventions of an aging database. +41 Points in January to users outside the top100 new record which will be broken for some time. And February? Beautiful +39 Points and jump into the top100 ... where to next? Where ends the last boy scout, which indicates the direction of the discussions, comments, and soon the fashion circles, not only in our small-sized database? If (point) God can, maybe in the next statistics will be less talk of this phenomenon. I really wonder what is behind his points. Charisma? Undeniable sex appeal? Fashion flair? Anyway, he quickly became one of the most user database (see home ). I just hope for his aura of uniqueness, there is no mulťák ... the world would never have been such, as before.
Let us build our database! the State Building!
Let him not have a party and see how great our growing database. The new design and maybe even some marketing that I overlooked the CSFD brings more and more users. Some are newly registered and others are contrary to wake from sleep to many years of activity. Just a few days ago I amortized the user four years the question of whether one has a film Filmoteca subtitles ... yes, it really is not need, but it is nice to see that even today people can write off. I did not believe it. In addition users (+6918) are added as well as films (+1504) and above all loved and good comments (respectable 34,000). Where will it end? Nobody knows, but it is good that the contents begin to grow very rapidly (+1682, which is almost twice the number in January). Dawning of better times? I hope!
Where points are not, users are not
Let him not have a party and see how great our growing database. The new design and maybe even some marketing that I overlooked the CSFD brings more and more users. Some are newly registered and others are contrary to wake from sleep to many years of activity. Just a few days ago I amortized the user four years the question of whether one has a film Filmoteca subtitles ... yes, it really is not need, but it is nice to see that even today people can write off. I did not believe it. In addition users (+6918) are added as well as films (+1504) and above all loved and good comments (respectable 34,000). Where will it end? Nobody knows, but it is good that the contents begin to grow very rapidly (+1682, which is almost twice the number in January). Dawning of better times? I hope!
"All users are equal, but some are more equal to. "
George Orwell
Over the last Boy Scout and an increase in the content database back to why we are all here. Points. All are full of enthusiasm until I've read so I can tell you that in February won the King points golfer, as is usual for nearly a year, but the queen Cleopatra. The phenomenal success of the ladies and +117 points worth applause, which you probably heed. Too bad You deserve it. Behind him is the founder leaves Poma (+109) and dad golfer (+107). Who would you want their numbers? As I talked about January that it picked up an odd point allocations across the board most of the top30, I was right. again because in addition to most users first three fell to their standard. A good example is Douglas in January, +83, +39 in February ... But a lot of surprising to me is the result of two fixed stars top30, by Tosi and the Council. Safin in January fell to +55 b +0 (!) And a range of +27 to -4 points ... how is it possible? That would be beyond the fixed stars and clouds of black Jews were aimed came to their gradual downfall? If so, it will take some years to drop out of top 30 ... In other places the upper half is much happened apart and Faye and their A-9b is all the same. When I mentioned Woody Flame x Eulenspiegel, I should also mention the rise, so here it is 18 x 27 points ... Eulenspiegel wins on points. Who would have expected!
Remember when I was last month wrote of a conspiracy plot against malarkeyovi, which a few days before the statistics disappeared about twenty points? Believe it or not, but Malarkey celebrates the fabulous return of +62 points in February. From -2 in January it is nice progress, right? In recent years, contributed their comments as I did at the time of his greatest desire to "be everywhere". Let's see where this guy tighten, but he would say, my body just not interested. We wish him and check up on another. That is their verbal +39 points among the most successful, as In the second part of the top 100 can be found. For malarkeyem lags a lot, but his progress is nowhere up hard to believe. His understandably took the queen subtitle database larelay with beautiful +48 points. Other are lucky to be T2 and +29 points, or traditionally Cervenak with +23 points. These two progressing higher and higher. Among the known converter is also David3141 (this is according to pi, I wrote, HEC), but again is struggling with a slight increase in the + / - 10 points. You may still change, but it does cleverly and gradually. However, the database must also be slaughtered in a field where, in addition to being particularly Tuxedo Faye and Lynn with -5 points. Unfortunately not know, I can not tell whether there are any relatives or the numbers just happen. For me, surprisingly dropped points with Kidd, from January to February, +19 -1 (?!). With the same minus one-point, there are several users, but now it's up to you and your taste is piped St. deliberately read small letters on the table. Black horse (or mare), who soon gets into the top100? User Viktooorka clearly popular, which in February jumped by 22 points and knocking on the door of the first hundred ... then the profile should show more ass than ... Oh, those users, everyone can find something.
few "facts" in February 2011
average increase in points by TOP 30: 42b (last month 65.8 b) Average growth
points by top 31-100: 7.63 b (8.17 b) Average growth points
users TOP 100: 18b (25.5 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Cleopatra 117b (Golfer 178B)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Malarkey 62b (Cervenak 71b)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the biggest looser database: Faye -9b ( Melies, and Flipper CheGuevara -3 b)
Finally a classic, thank you for every point and each reaction (Of course, the positive, others sent to other users).
PS: if anyone still interested in "the former point phenomenon database TheMaker, so the last month are in the style +2 +5 +6 points per month ... I hereby forever closed his chapter and assigned to the folder next to the chupacabra (or one who has tried for two years + / - 400 points). Finally, the boys stopped to change and see that they can live anyway ... commonly.
PPS: the position of Secretary is again free, girl, what a place to fight and sent nude photos and videos dirty paused and was recently on TV (in some weird case of stalking, yet I gave her phone or address ...)
points by top 31-100: 7.63 b (8.17 b) Average growth points
users TOP 100: 18b (25.5 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Cleopatra 117b (Golfer 178B)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Malarkey 62b (Cervenak 71b)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the biggest looser database: Faye -9b ( Melies, and Flipper CheGuevara -3 b)
Finally a classic, thank you for every point and each reaction (Of course, the positive, others sent to other users).
PS: if anyone still interested in "the former point phenomenon database TheMaker, so the last month are in the style +2 +5 +6 points per month ... I hereby forever closed his chapter and assigned to the folder next to the chupacabra (or one who has tried for two years + / - 400 points). Finally, the boys stopped to change and see that they can live anyway ... commonly.
PPS: the position of Secretary is again free, girl, what a place to fight and sent nude photos and videos dirty paused and was recently on TV (in some weird case of stalking, yet I gave her phone or address ...)
F * Djkoma
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