Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pea Sized Lump Near Throat

Gamma News - Week XVII

lazy week. Thor in theaters, but have not yet seen. UEFA bad draws. The football league round of miracles, and apparently had finished with corruption. Well, at night WWE Extreme Rules, another wrestling gala, which advertise, though no one but me and so do not watching.

Anyway, little fresh news today. A bit about Fear Itself, because as has already begun, it will not be a week without it, and Deadpool. Lots of Deadpool. Personally, I too do not like him, and there before us Annual and History in the series, which occurs Hulk.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - News and News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

glance at Deadpool Vol 2 # 37 -

first examples of hand by Bonga Dazo (great name, Bong!) And a short interview with writer Daniel Way'em about why Deadpool is playing with death by provoking the Hulk. One can be sure in this comic facing the end of May - the brutal struggle between the characters. And this is only the beginning of their history.

glance at FI: Fearsome Four # 1 - http://marvel...first_look_fear_itself_fearsome_four_1

most oddly matched four of the Marvel superheroes vs. Man-Thing in starting in June both the event miniseries Fear Itself: Fearsome Four and the first black and white pages by cartoonist Ryan Bodenheim.

The Art Of Marvel Mike Deodato Jr. - http://www.newsarama...album.php?aid=42702

Marvel decided to release in July, dedicated to chronicling the life and work of Mike Deodato, as is easy to guess the title. This is to be short, concise description of his career and set a number of sketches and drawings. And because he spent some time working on the Hulk, you probably will be inside or something for gamma-fans.

Marvel Avengers moves from - http://marvel...marvels_the_avengers_begins_production

officially started production of another of Marvel's films under the title Avengers. Great project, as well as his staff, the expectations of fans and the team with whose fate will tell. Meanwhile, the source first, casual picture of the plan, index of artists and actors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Next Comic Wednesday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The second part of the history annualowej "Identity Wars" and the second issue of major miniseries event Fear Itself. At first glance, nothing special from the gamma point of view and so lazy without notice today. But the bonus cover Immonen, where Hulk is standing with a hammer on the Red She-Hulk, pleasantly łechcze appetites. It's Hammer Time!

Fear Itself # 2 -

Deadpool Vol 2 Annual # 1 - http://www. /? page = preview & id = 8493

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weekly She-bang in the Negliżu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Something in that little nudity, but hard to find DA roznegliżowanej some links with the She-Hulk Thor, and it is impossible not to refer to what is happening today in theaters.

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If you notice any omissions or themselves natraficie for some interesting information from the gamma world, without hesitation, let us know in the comments. That's the same comic reviews outgoing. Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

Source: Comic Book Resources, Marvel, Newsarama, DeviantArt

Kasi Meaning In English

Pandemic - Impressions of the board game

no infection in Europe or America, just on the Middle East appeared black cholera. The first sick? In Delhi. Heavy pollution of local water was an ideal place for disease germs. A member of our team, scientist, and does not hesitate to go to India. It comes in more infections and cholera is spreading to neighboring towns. Thanks chartrovému flight be quickly moved from New York to India and dispatcher. During the next two rounds are diehard fight cholera and won the team celebrate. The scientist does not participate in the celebration and is working on a cure to rid the world of the dreaded cholera. Everyone was relieved and the dispatcher picks up another card from the deck. Epidemic. The disease extends the time in Washington, U.S. President probably got a parcel with anthrax. Scientist and dispatcher are starting to sweat because they are on the other side of the planet. Coming round intensification of infection and infectious cards. The dispatcher is turned deadly and toppings it sweats. Washington, New York and Madrid. Anthrax spreads to Europe from America in the capital city of the United States there is a pandemic. The world is heading for destruction!

I might look like your first attempt to save the world in a board game Pandemic. For me personally, the first cooperative game, which my hands. Hard to believe that there are games that motivate players beating each other but rather join forces and capabilities for greater good. At a time when you play Pandemic, you love this scheme. Where the Racing and Scrabble or Scrabble players bet on vocabulary and a quick improvisation, there is just know if I can save mankind:).

the played game of human survival

rules and difficulty
rules are not hard at all. The box with the game, see Czech and Slovak version of the rules, even when the original and the quality looks just Czech. The rules are explained clearly and concisely, including examples. These are very practical, because even after a few games to have them come back for sure. The box with the game as well as two decks of cards (48 infectious and 59 players), 5 pieces for the characters, 6 research stations, 6 chips drugs and pandemic / infection, 96 blocks of four different colors of disease, 5 role cards and 4 reference cards serves as a quick help with the capabilities of players. Furthermore, the game obviously has a game plan, which is composed of four interconnected parts and easy parts. It is up to her classical map with continents and cities are joined by transition lines. For the game is designed very well, including a place for cards, chips and a brief description of the player's game phase. Here I should also note a slight, because the game plan is tough, but the surface is relatively easy to scratch, and especially the reflection of light touches are visible. After a hundred games is probably not the ideal spectacle, but at least the game will be "worn use.

probably the most difficult to play the very beginning, When you prepare and mix the two card packs, ready to deal, part of the role (in the game there are 5, each unique and distinctive style of play changing), infecting the city on the map and put the chips in the right place. When you play more often this process much faster experience and possibly a greater number of players who were added in preparation. Then all the characters and the players put a stop to Atlanta, where the center of the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) and starts the actual game. It consists of three phases of stroke recurrence. Each player has at least 4 events at which can move, build a station, to cure diseases or to develop a cure. To gain experience, it is good to use reference cards with the options the player has. Important roles are separating players. There are five interesting and strategic thinking as players. For example, researcher card allows cities to pass teammates, who stands with him in the same city. During normal game rule, you can only pass of the card, in which we stand. Using researcher greatly simplifies the creation of a cure for every disease ...

That even Hitler could not ...

experience of playing
Personally I was very pleasantly surprised by the game systems. Some board games are fighting with the issue of chance and the path of different scenarios. Pandemic is another way, the only chance there is in the form of card packages the shuffle. I would not have talked about luck, as the variability of the game. Virtually every game is different at the beginning of other cities are affected, the epidemic in different ways and coming players choose (the best are pulling blindly) their roles. They greatly changes the character of the game and motivate players to repeat and repeat. Moreover, there is an epidemic, which is in the game until the sixth Beginners should play the 4, 5, and later with enough experience to try the legendary difficulty of six epidemics. To some it may seem like a small thing, it's just one card, but believe that the game is much more difficult and will need to change the strategy and ...

game is quite addictive, and even when he himself played in two with a partner (the way it almost selected and uses it well to improve their geographical skills! And not alone, a Karachi I knew very well:)), and portions of the often repeat and fight for the billions of people around the world. From experience I can also say that it is quite variable good game, almost never exceed one hour, but within 45-60 minutes that I find on the box too narrow. How do you get the game under the skin, you can play for 30 minutes. In my ideal is 30-45 minutes playing time for which the time almost always. As far as the resulting ratio of wins and losses, Pandemic has ruled against us, but the exact numbers that I do not want to say (just to be sure, the game is cooperative spirit and willingness of the players really very, very important:)).

Research dangerous diseases is not just a simple profession ...

Pandemic is unique and innovative game. There are no requirements for knowledge of players and does not depend on dice tosses. Everything is imbued, reactions to the new situation and arrangement of fighters for a world without disease. Good performance of the play and the gameplay players entertained for hours and after each performance ends the game there will be another challenge to other roles, with more epidemics, with more infected cities at the beginning of the game ... Options, as the game will be fun, are you.

every game is different
different roles and the difficulty
optional space for its own changes to the rules of cooperation

cooperation (oh, the human mood)
the board quickly scratched
boxes could be better adapted to the different parts of the game (all in pytlíčkách)

PS : Pandemic came out to play the expansion, which brings very interesting ideas and quite a few new variations (bioterorista, etc.)

PPS: excuse any mistakes and nonsense, I corresponded article under yet unidentified disease (only I hope that none of the four games, bléééé) ...

Rating: 90%

Number of players: 1-4
Recommended age: 10 years
Length of game: 45 minutes
by Matt Leacock
Year of Publication: 2008
Manufacturer: Albi, Z-Man Games
List price: about CZK 690 (I bought for 499 in action here on )
Game System: cooperative game, the players through the earth and treat the disease using
Czech card game is completely in Czech

Zatrolené games - 3.5 rating / 5
Boardgame - 7.68 rating / 10
Lecture author of Pandemic games

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Prom Dress Stores In The Galleria

GWWF # 8: Hulk Vs. Black Bolt

Ah, the Hulk with anyone unless there is no worse than the balance of my favorite namesake - Black Bolt. It's probably the only force in the universe, with whom even a green giant can not match. All the more happy to describe their first start in the first hulkowym Annualu and by the way I start with the fun Who's Next? ? ! , where all kinds of rules can be found below in the comments.

But first, as I said, the first meeting with Black Bolt Hulk. The good old days, when heroes could not just like that fall into each other, but we had to build longish story in which only their fists in the final crossed the main characters. But after the turn.

were ancient times, when green, wild Hulk szwendał after the mountainous areas in search of peace and someone who could be friends. Charming. Instead, the gamma colossus of course ran into the local villagers, and you know right away they came together and caught the pitchforks and torches. And here comes the master grating of the story, because according to the author's Annual everything happens in the Alps, and it really should be in the Himalayas. Because it was there, in South Asia, working in parallel to share the numbers of outgoing regular Hulk series, and there also were Attilan city, about which more later.

Black Bolt, meanwhile, dealt with their routine, royal duties. He had to judge and condemn the conspirators who wanted to overthrow his government at the instigation and on behalf of his mad brother Maximus. All this was happening in the hideout Inhumans, in the said city Attilan, which was then called the Great Refuge, hidden among the mountains, and separated from the rest of the world by an impenetrable barrier.

conspirators (Aiero, Leonus, Falcon, Neublo, Timberius and Stallior) were sentenced to perpetual imprisonment in a mysterious force field and a fenced area called Un-Place. Probably in another dimension, where they wyteleportował Lockjaw - faithful dog royal beast. Lockjaw

When he returned to Earth, the bodies of bad luck, that was just between the Hulk and trying to overtake him peasants. Green Giant big doggie attacked, and did not see other way to escape teleported with him. Lockjaw Hulk moved to the Un-Place and left it there along with the conspirators. Soon, however, thanks giant green brute force and zakulisowemu, technological support from Maximus, managed to break the force field and leave the Un-Place. The conspirators along with the Hulk returned to the Great Refuge and took in what they do best, namely conspiracy.

Green Giant attilańskich meanwhile grabbed the attention of the police and he engaged them in a fairly exhaustive brawl. Inhumans began to destroy the city and tried to break through the barrier that surrounds them. To make matters worse, he once again exploited the conspirators and Maximusowi and earned them a powerful and dangerous weapons.

When the Hulk finally met them, he began another bashing, but those with previously acquired weapons deprive him out and again tried to overthrow the governments of Black Bolt. However, the ruler of the Inhumans for his ability and majesty quickly restored order. Meanwhile, the Hulk came to him and he decided to bring justice to the conspirators. Broke out a little confusion and a green giant was already so rozłoszczony that attacked the Black Bolt. Imagine his surprise when the ruler of the Inhumans has taken on his jaw, and even blow up while not winced. Then he gave a hundred times harder. The place had become seriously, and times were becoming stronger and more dangerous. In the end Hulk crippled opponent grabbing his both hands and when he tried to crush them, Black Bolt, he whispered a word in the face. This was enough to shake the whole city Attilan, generate huge crater damage and put a green giant.

Hulk lost consciousness, but only for a moment. When he awoke he could still save Black Bolt before one of the conspirators. And after all, the ruler Inhumans, who guessed that the Hulk was just used to it and all the strife was a misunderstanding, offered him friendship and a place in his kingdom. But the green giant felt that other residents Attilan are not as forgiving as their king and hate gamma Goliath, so he left. End.

described the fight took place in Incredible Hulk Vol 2 Annual # 1 , somewhere in the middle of 1968. Interestingly, this comic came out as a simple special edition, which, over time, like these next few specialists, has been renamed the Annual. Screenplay stories presented here correspond to a certain Gary Friedrich and Marie Severin for his drawings. But the comic has passed into history, not because of them and develop the world's Inhumans, but mainly because of the excellent climate and Jim Steranko cover , which quickly entered the canon hulkowego and received dozens of references over time.

Winner: Black Bolt. One word whispered in his face was enough to deprive the Hulk unconscious.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Pebbles Flintstones Tattoo Ideas

Gamma News - Week XVI

Quiet week for us. Fortunately, what was and will be read on Wednesday. Meanwhile, we have for you a few trailers, which are unlikely anyone in the chair did not push, and interviews in the insignificant sum of nothing, if you would look more closely at them. No wonder the holidays. In that case, too late for the standard "gay" and now my eyes too volatile nacieszcie nawiązaniami author to Easter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - News and News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

glance at Avengers vol 4 # 13 -

What unique in this comic announced initially on May 18? In addition to being Rulk longer a full member of the main team the Avengers and the series will rub against the Fear Itself, it is important that the chair will sit temporarily cartoonist Chris Bachalo!

first drafts Avengers vol 4 # 14 -

And here, in addition to the same sites as above, you can also find the first two sketches by Junior John Romity from number # 14 this series. And a few general statements about the paragraph Mścicielach Brevoorta Tom.

glance at Hulk / Human Torch: FTMV - http://www.newsarama...album.php?aid=42626

little and black and white, but the first trailer Incredible Hulk & The Human Torch From The Marvel Vault (phew, what a long title) is out! Comic announced at the end of June, and drawings are by the legendary Steve Ditko.

Evolutionary variants -

Marvel decided to pay us in May, a series of alternative covers depicting the evolution of key mutants. Will They decorate the whole plethora of comic books, among them Hulk vol 2 # 33 and Avengers vol 4 # 13 Have a look at all, because what the eye is suspended.

Parker of Rulku and Thunderbolts - http://www.newsarama...thunderbolts-hulk-110420.html

short interview with writer Jeff Parker and present adventures Rulka Thunderboltów. Unfortunately, nothing concrete, which we already knew.

Super Pidżamki -

perfect gift for your wybranek Zajac, through which the shapes and dimensions will become your favorite Marvel superbohaterek. From afar. The link to the source of more pidżamek printed, not only She-Hulk.

Montclare again for Fearsome Four -

New Brandon Montclare at Marvel gave another interview about her both the event miniseries Fear Itself: Fearsome Four . Again, the conversation focused mainly on a bizarre selection of characters and reminded that this title will be four guest cartoonists, one for each number. Michael Kaluta, Simon Bisley and Henry Flint. The fourth is still is shrouded in mystery.

Avengers: EMH Season 2 - http://www.comicsalliance...costumes-video-exclusive/

first season cartoons Avengers: Earth's mightiest Heroes entertainment just ended, and in the meantime everywhere there are already short films, in which cast members reveal various details of the second season. And this would be a Kree Skrullach and that Ms. Marvel will join the team and so on. And on this particular source of talk about changing the form of clothes. Among other things, the Hulk will see no holes in pants knees.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Next Comic Wednesday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Agent Banner, Bruce Banner. Intelligencia vs. Avengers. And all of this Age of X: Universe # 2 , which actually should not have happened, given the storyline of this mini cross.

Avengers vol 4 # 12.1 -
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller: Bryan Hitch, the Avengers

aims of Intelligencia, SWORD returns, and Spider-Woman lost! As it will appear the following year, the world's Avengers. And of guest appearances, and New Avengers Secret!

Incredible Hulks # 627 -
Writer: Greg Pak
Penciller: Tom Grummett

Hulk in the role as never before, that is, as International super spy! Following the instructions Amadeus Cho assumes giant green suit and enter a world full of intrigue and deception, only to learn that his main opponent will be ... Red She-Hulk!? What happens If Betty is just another man? The answer quite simple, especially if it will be one of the old enemies of the Hulk.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weekly She-bang in the Negliżu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Remember that after Christmas obżarstwie, sweat a little sadełka through exercise. Just like the She-Hulk. Naked!

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If you notice any omissions or themselves natraficie for some interesting information from the gamma world, without hesitation, let us know in the comments. That's the same comic reviews outgoing. Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

Source: Comic Book Resources, Marvel, Newsarama, DeviantArt, Comics Alliance, Bleeding Cool

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Swatches Of Maybelline Dream Mousse Bronzer

Gamma News - Week XV

highlight the entire week, if not months, is undoubtedly premiere of Thor, which is as yet meet the same favorable reviews. But that is not party to Gromowładnym, so at most only the appropriate picture She-Hulk accent this event. Meanwhile

news much, but in one of these great spoilers on Fear Itself, and those who will be worthy to carry in your hand hammers dropped on Earth by the god of fear. We already know the characters, so check at your own risk if you do not want to spoil the surprises.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - News and News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Who is worthy?

Some we already know, some I guess, and now in black and white get a list of all. Probably not count that at the time Fear Itself uświadczymy some duels with bloody hammers and Marvel will put us with a fait accompli, since it betrays them all. I guess. If you warn about spoilers in the following major contents of this news, but also invite you to click on links and view images that are as nice as the same character design. Here they are. Worthy of hammers. Hulk and Titania ( ), Juggernaut and the Thing ( http://www.bleedingcool .com/2011/04/12/the-worthy-revealed-2-fear-itself-spoilers / ) Grey Gargoyle, Attuma and Absorbing Man ( ).

From The Marvel Vault - http://marvel...human_torch_hulk_fantastic_flashback

whole thing lies in the fact that Marvel decided to give the old stories that were previously written down the losses and that he was lying in the warehouses. You can only claim so right now and the conclusions that I raise are not too optimistic. But nothing is. The initiative will also be something of a green giant. Unpublished number of years before the Marvel Team-Up by Jack C. Harris and Steve Ditko now come out in June as a special edition Human Torch & Hulk: From The Marvel Vault or Incredible Hulk & The Human Torch: From The Marvel Vault , because such a change suggested by the distributor for the Diamond . The link to the source you can find a brief speech writer who is happy that his work finally sees the light of day.

Point One Missed - http://www.indignantonline...point-one-program-looks-like-a-dud/

Point One initiative has proved a fiasco. Moreover, in line with expectations of many, so This is no surprise. Looking at sales figures not only has attracted new readers to the data series, but most of these constants also deterred those who simply forgive the numbers from .1 to the end thinking that it was unrelated to the title of special editions.

Avengers Assemble! -

Another fansite flatboat. Maybe none of this news, but we like these pictures. Found by a man named Evans on Facebook.

Ruffalo of hulk again -

Mark Ruffalo threw back a few sentences about the appearance of the green giant. Apparently the filmmakers are doing everything to make the Hulk was the most like him. Reproduce even the hair and all the other imperfections of the body of the actor.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Next Comic Wednesday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As many as three titles hulkowe before us does not in any uświadczymy green giant. Hmm, interesting. Perhaps the best proof that gamma-universe is not only the universe.

Avengers vol 4 # 12 - http://www.comicbookresources...preview&id=8343&disp=table
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller: John Romita Jr..

Thrilling finish the story of the Infinity Gauntlet and the Avengers in the heart of the universe, where we learn a completely new, cosmic being. We'll find out also who possess the power glove, and we pay the price. And what the consequences will meet Iron Man for betraying his own team!
Plus another chapter of the Avengers.

Hulk Vol 2 # 32 -
Writer: Jeff Parker
Art by Gabriel Hardman

Red Hulk in a trap! There is no place to go and can not sleep without the risk that turned into an ordinary human. And it was only his enemies are waiting to catch it in the end. And worse, in addition to the sinister General Forteana, the red giant has also started to hunt a new, unstoppable hunter created specially for this occasion by Zero / One whatever it is.

Skaar: King Of The Savage Land # 2 - http://www.comicbookresources...8355&disp=table
Writer: Rob Williams
Penciller: Brian Ching

Son of Hulk conquers new world! Despite the long-term and good governance Ka-Zara coming up the next battle for leadership of his land. I Skaar is not the only contender for the title. Plus wielgachne robots, dinosaurs and the ancients, evil geniuses and the Savage Land anymore, as it usually happens in such cases, it will not ever be the same!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weekly She-bang in the Negliżu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Green Valkyrie -

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If you notice any omissions or themselves natraficie for some interesting information from the gamma world, without hesitation, let us know in the comments. That's the same comic reviews outgoing. Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

Source: Comic Book Resources, Marvel, DeviantArt, Bleeding Cool, indignant Online

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1991 Honda Accord Idle Problem

Gamma Previews - July 2011

Marvel messed up again with their uncontrolled leakage. Miniserie Fear Itself: The Deep does not change the title to Fear Itself: Defenders , at least for now. A Thing was everywhere wykreskowany and blackened, even his appearance was rechristened eventowy of Fear Itself: The Thing on Fear Itself: FF if anyone had to have even doubt that he is not on the cover of the comic adventures Rulka.

Meanwhile in July, waiting for us until a few gamma-ray notebooks to read, half of which will be connected, of course Fear Itself. Terribly everything grows, so this post will be a long load due to a multitude of images. Even so, we invite you to read and watch.

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Avengers vol 4 # 15
Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Penciller: Chris Bachalo
Expected release date: 2011-07-20

Fear Itself consume Avengers! Time for the great unification of the devastated streets of New York, all members of the Avengers, the new and old, to jointly fight a battle in which no traveler would have no chance. And is it possible that in this terrible madness of any of the Avengers fell for the first time in my life? And if so, which one?

Hulk Vol 2 # 36
Writer: Jeff Parker
Drawings: Patrick Zircher
Expected release date: 2011-07-06

Why Rulkowi dream is dying people? And how this leads to a new and improved MODOKa? Fortunately for Rulka, wielkogłowy villain does not want the dirty hands. But unfortunately, his new ally Zzzax has a completely different approach. Skirmish is going to be electrifying!

Hulk Vol 2 # 37
Writer: Jeff Parker
Drawings: Elena Casagrande
Expected release date: 2011-07-20

worthy hammer continue their campaign of fear and terror. Meanwhile Rulk comes face to face with the newly defined XXXXXXXX! Brutal vs Brutal, in a massive battle that will shake the foundations of the world. But even this did not deter MODOKa.

Incredible Hulks
# 632 Written by Greg Pak
Penciller: Paul Pelletier
Expected release date: 2011-07-13

"Heart Of The Monster" - Part 3 of 6

From few years, Bruce Banner fought with gods and monsters, if only to ensure the safety of your family and loved ones. But now the hardest of trials still ahead of him, or his own wild desires! I wish them well it lays bare all, because between what you really want, and what we think we want is a huge difference. And will use it to Umar from a dark dimension and Armageddon - troyjansky chief!

Incredible Hulks
# 633 Written by Greg Pak
Penciller: Paul Pelletier
Expected release date: 2011-07-27

"Heart Of The Monster" - Part 4 of 6

From few years, Bruce Banner fought with gods and monsters, if only to ensure safety your family and loved ones. But now the hardest of trials still ahead of him, or his own wild desires! I wish them well it lays bare all, because between what you really want, and what we think we want is a huge difference. And will use it to Umar from a dark dimension and Armageddon - troyjansky chief!

Skaar: King Of The Savage Land # 5
Writer: Rob Williams
Penciller: Brian Ching
Expected release date: 2011-07-20

Part 5 of 5

Final Battle for government of the Savage Land is coming to its devastating conclusions! Skaar, and Ka-Zar are willing to risk everything to save the planet. A mysterious stranger Designer resurrecting giant Umbu the Unliving, to be sure that if he does not, then no one shall possess power over the world. Who will survive it all? And who will be crowned as the ruler of the Savage Land?

Defenders: From The Marvel Vault
Writer: Fabian Nicieza, Kurt Busiek
Penciller: Mark Bagley
Expected release date: 2011-07-06/13

Straight from the darkest depths of the Marvel archives insinuated Defenders story! But why no one knows? What is the secret she hides? The original composition - Hulk, Silver Surfer, Namor and Doctor Strange - once again time to reveal what happened in another dimension.

Fear Itself # 4
Writer: Matt Fraction
Penciller: Stuart Immonen
Expected release date: 2011-07-06

Part 4 of 7

Heroes is still recovering from a shockingly -chilling finale of the previous number, when Thor turns out to be unwelcome in his own house, Steve Rogers has to decide his life, and Iron Man is preparing to submit ultimate sacrifice. Each share of heroes seems to only strengthen the enemy, and what awaits them here, shake the Avengers for good!

Fear Itself: Fearsome Four # 2
Writer: Brandon Montclare
Drawings: Ryan Bodenheim, Simon Bisley
Expected release date: 2011-07-13

Part 2 of 4

Fear triggers various demons, which even the Fearsome Four could not resist. Gripped by the terror world becomes as twisted as Man-Thing drunk effect. The strangest of the Marvel heroes, with the ability to transform reality przepoczwarzy into something terrible. And Howard the Duck, Nighthawk, Frankenstein's monster and the She-Hulk of the characters turn into monsters, and instead of saving the city, will help lead them to ruin.
crazy story with a guest performance by Simon Bisley'a cartoonist!

Fear Itself: The Deep
# 2 Written by: Cullen Bunn
Art by Lee Garbett
Expected release date: 2011-07-27

Part 2 of 4

Namora Empire collapsed! And he and his allies - Doctor Strange, Silver Surfer, Lyra and Loa - must run in the New Atlantis and wrest it from the hands of sinister forces. But it will not be easy. Namor still have the previous duel. And the action moves to one of the redoubtable and plunging into the ocean in their dark forces so terrible that one of the heroes will never be the same!

Fear Itself: The Worthy
Writer: Frank Tieri, Jen Van Meter, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, Tom DeFalco, Greg Pak, Jeff Parker, Christos Gage
Drawings: Mario Alberti, Lee Weeks Declan Shalvey, Elia Bonetti, Eric Canete, Clayton Henry, Sergio Cariello, Javier Pulido
Expected release date: 2011-07-27

It will be here disclosed all the secrets redoubtable! When the world of Marvel is torn to shreds by the biggest and the most terrible event in history, time to get to know all the holders of the damned hammer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

And that's still not enough, because the Hulk appears in the announcement vol 4 Wolverine # 12, and the description Deadpool Vol 2 # 40 said is gamma legal aid, so you know who can be expected.

Source: Newsarama - http://www.newsarama...marvel-july-2011-solicitations-110412.html

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Period Late Increased Cervical Mucus

Gamma News - Week XIV

First of all I have for you today, the July cover of comic books that have been leaked to the network, and many a thing which can be deduced. Even without knowing the content of the announcement. Additionally

lot of interviews in the past week was. The creators of the Marvel bulk went to friendly editors to talk about what they do. Forgive me, but enough that I had neither the time nor the energy to describe everything in a nutshell. If anyone is interested in something, you can read the same sources, though nothing too important przyuważyłem there. Well, and the rest of the message was completely dominated by Fear Itself. Even if they were hulkowe, and so applied for that event. Profuse week.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - News and News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nominations Eisnerów -

I start so completely unusual, because I do not hulkowo, but it is worth noting Marvel deklasację complete this year . If it were not Skottie Young, who has found a unique style, would not at all be proud. Bad happens to our favorite publishing house.

Layman on "Identity Wars - http://www.newsarama...wars-john-layman-110406.html

John Layman Newsaramie interviewed about their work, as well as created by each alternative world in the history of "Identity Wars." For those who do not remember, I recall that it is broken into three annuale, dealing respectively with Spider-Man, Deadpool, and the Hulk. This first came out last Wednesday. The next will be in May, and the last in June.

Fear Itself: Defenders - http://comics.cosmicbooknews...image0004.jpg

No, this is fortunately not new, both the event another miniseries. Only Fear Itself: The Deep changing the name. You see someone at Marvel decided that if the composition is similar to the Defenders, then why not and name. What if something more will come of it in the future.

Rulk joins Fear Itself -

Hulk vol 2 # 37 will tie the event INEM Fear Itself . In addition there is a new MODOKa also occur in one of the redoubtable. If someone has the same shape of a shadow on the cover not convinced that this thing, let them examine old teasers, who reaches for the hammer. Or carefully scan the pictures from the message below. Comic book is slated for July, just like # 36, Marvel or passes on two numbers in a month to chase the fifty anniversary. Well, it is worth noting another cartoonist in this series, but rather a graphic artist - Elena Casagrande. And where is Gabriel Hardman?

leaks in July - http://comics.cosmicbooknews...july-2011-solicitations-covers

Marvel once again failed to ensure that the network appeared in comic book covers with O until July, but was nowhere to be no official announcement. The link to the source of a lot of pictures and even more spoilers that can be drawn from them. In this, a lot hulkowych.

Grandmaster PAD - http://marvel...peter_david_named_2011_scribe_awards_grandmaster

Peter David, a longtime Hulk writer adventures, which celebrated the greatest success, was awarded the prestigious title of Grandmaster of the Scribe Awards 2011 by the International Association of Media Tie-in Writers. Congratulations!

Teaser Fear Itself # 2 - http://www.newsarama...fear-itself-book-two-teaser-110406.html

The first issue is behind us, and at the end there the announcement of the next. I decided to do with the news. The title of the second part is "Blitzkrieg USA" - that is going to happen. Would be better than ever.

Fear Itself eyes Stuart Immonen -

Common at such moments an interview with cartoonist both the event's main miniseries. More courteous than information. But presenting part of the number # 2, which in sales per month.

Fear Itself eyes Matt Fraction -

And here is the same, only the words of writer Matt Fraction and with the same pictures.

glance at Fear Itself # 2 - http://www.newsarama...multimedia/album.php?aid=42489

no sneaks in that any additional pages than those that were in those interviews. The only novelty is that alternative cover by Stuart Immonen suggesting that there will be plenty of Hulkach.

Williams on Skaarze -

Writer Rob Williams gave a short interview on debut in last Wednesday miniseries Skaar: King Of The Savage Land . If you want to know some details about the story and see some pictures of Brian Ching, I invite you to read.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Next Comic Wednesday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Only one hulkowy comics in the coming week. And it is about espionage, rather than crushing. Although the latter probably not run out. So far, no associate Grummetta cartoonist Tom, but looks pretty good on those few pages. Well, the mysterious gentleman, probably Tyrannus. Just place a bet. A title on the cover proclaims Incredible Hulks , but Greg Pak has said that he was returning to the singular. Remains to be seen how in the end it is perhaps only when the comic will be on store regiments.

Incredible Hulks # 626 -
Writer: Greg Pak
Drawings: Tom Grummett

Mr. & Mrs.. Hulk "- part 1

Hulk in the role as never before, that is, as an international super spy! Following the instructions Amadeus Cho assumes giant green suit and enter a world full of intrigue and deception, only to learn that his main opponent will be ... Red She-Hulk!? What happens if Betty will happen with another man? The answer quite simple, especially if it will be one of the old enemies of the Hulk.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weekly She-bang in the Negliżu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

AAAAAAA! T-shirt to podarłaaaa! -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you notice any omissions or themselves natraficie for some interesting information from gamma world, without hesitation, let us know in the comments. That's the same comic reviews outgoing. Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

Source: Comic Book Resources, Marvel, Newsarama, DeviantArt, Comic Book News Bleeding Cool

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Are Chester Fries Haraam

Ultimate Hulk [Bruce Banner]

probably is not right that the site devoted mainly gamma kolosowi previously present his alternate version of the bios, than the original. But what to do. In ours,
in this case, gray-green, he joined the ranks of famous Ozz tossed from the place of the revised and supplemented by a curriculum vitae Ultimate Hulk.

Ultimate A world itself was created at the beginning of a new century and was a response to the needs of new audiences for more modernized and modernized the beginnings of the Marvel heroes. All this was be free from several decades of history, which in retrospect seems quite childish, not to say grotesque. Therefore, we invite you to become familiar with the alternative, re-written the life of the Hulk. Completely different, but how similar.

Little is known about the past of Robert Bruce Banner before he finished his studies, which have carried out two years earlier than it should. Being interested in creating a super-soldier serum and knowing that nobody out in the United States did not deal with this, he went to England and joined the team of Professor Leonard Williams. Under his Bruce grew direction, but work was interrupted by an accident in the laboratory, after which Williams was declared dead although his body was never found.

[ Comics Ultimate Avengers 2 # 2]

Banner returned to America where, in the meantime it was decided to repeat the success of the Second World War and create a new Captain America. During the eight years of work on this project in the facility at Dover, and later in Pittsburgh, Bruce met his superior's daughter - Betty Ross, he created a few, but every now and then they parted and returned to myself.

Banner was suspected of being funded from legitimate sources and not necessarily to test serum on civilians, despite the express prohibition Fury'ego. Bruce also tried the drug on himself, turned into a giant called the Hulk and seriously wounded his colleague, Richard Parker and his wife visiting him. Views little Peter Parker led the transformation of a giant back into human form, and a moment later he was knocked out by angry Fury'ego, who covered up the incident.

[ Ultimate Origins # 4]

Several years later, Banner once again turned into a green creature, and was chased across the United States, by General Ross and SHIELD soldiers. He appeared at last in New York, on the streets where he met with Spider-Man. Parker tried to stop the creature, but without success, at one point was nearly strangled by him - saved him defective lantern, which fell Hulkowi on his head and turned his attention. Not seeing a better way, Spider-Man pulled in the direction of the giant docks. There, tired of Hulk Banner turned into a conversation with Parker and told him between them and other super-beings, there is a bond, he knows very few people trying to maintain it in confidence. Before he could tell him anything more, there was Ross, and Bruce again turned into the Hulk and continued his escape. In the end, however, was captured and restored to its normal form.

[ Ultimate Marvel Team-Up # 2-3 ]

After the incident, Banner took a few months' leave from work. During this time, Betty left him, and he was under observation of physicians. When twelve weeks in his body not found any cells Hulk, Bruce met with Nick Furym, who just became the director of SHIELD. He told him about his plans to create super-human team, which has always been a supporter of Banner, and suggested that the program will be able to pass the budget dispute. Scientists will move from Pittsburgh to its new headquarters in Triskelionie, but because of an episode of the Hulk Banner had to agree that now that Hank Pym is the head of the program. Bruce agreed to these terms and continued his work, but it still did not bring results. His mood worsened success Pym, who managed to create a serum to increase human growth, which has tried for himself, becoming in this way, Giant Man.

Finally there is real hope that it will succeed Bruce well in his work when he was found in the waters of the Arctic frozen body of Captain America. Banner rozmroził Rogers and woke him up from a coma, but the thinking that is in German captivity, he began fighting with the guards and managed to escape from the lab. Only on the outside was stopped by Pym. Bruce continued to work, but still not able to achieve purpose. He was increasingly frustrated in its helplessness and the possibility of withdrawal of funding, since the Ultimates joined the real Captain America, and the insults on the part of Betty, who was head of the team that create the image of the media Ultimates.

In the end, thinking that the other Ultimates also laugh at him in desperation mixed with the blood serum Hulk Steve Rogers and injected it himself. Then he called Betty and told her what he had done, adding that he wanted to give idle Ultimates enemy to fight, but the moment later admitted that he longed for it to be big. Bruce unconscious in the street and was taken away by ambulance. During the reanimation serum started to work and Banner turned into Hulk, this time with a gray skin color. The creature went in search of Betty, who was on a date with Freddie Prinze Jr., breaking through Manhattan and killing pedestrians. Soon came to Ultimates. Giant Man captured the Hulk, but when he opened his hand, that he threw himself into his face and seriously wounded. Pym was saved by Iron Man, who drew the Hulk and rozbił się z nim w pustym budynku. Stwór wytrzymał strzały Starka, zerwał mu hełm i chciał pożreć, ale Tony potraktował go neutralizatorem myśli. Korzystając z chwili oddechu, wyrzucił Hulka z budynku na ulicę. Tam stwór został zwabiony przez Wasp w odpowiednie miejsce, gdzie zrzucono na niego czołg z Kapitanem Ameryką w środku. Hulk wydostał się spod żelastwa, ale został zaskoczony przez Rogersa, który kilkoma szybkimi ciosami powalił go na ziemię i chciał wstrzyknąć mu antidotum. Lecz Hulk w ostatniej chwili chwycił go za rękę i złamał igłę. Wtedy pojawił się Thor i odciągnął creature from Steve. He began to belabor him with his hammer, breaking the jaw and a pair of ribs. When I stopped Ultimates Hulk, Betty and Freddie got on board the helicopter. The captain said Hulkowi that his girlfriend's departure, so the Hulk began to chase the helicopter. This gave the time of the Wasp, who through the eye of the creature got into his brain, to sting him, which resulted in his conversion to Banner. Rogers ended the fight, knocking out Bruce's kick in the face.

When Banner came to himself by his wounds that he was asked in the form of the Hulk, Betty used to fight Manhattan as a campaign for the Ultimates, maintaining the secrecy is, in fact heroes fought with Bruce. Later, Banner has been visited in prison by Eammon Brankina, who told him that he temporarily became his deputy, and that as the Hulk has killed over eight hundred people. The biggest blow for Bruce, however, was that his blood tests showed that due to mixing with the blood serum Rogers Hulk cells have not disappeared from his body and try to involve their DNA permanently. Bruce had to remain in his cell, where he continued his work. Every now and then visited him and Betty relations between them began to warm. Banner also had a few occasions to smile, for example, when he learned that Steve Rogers, Hank Pym severely beaten.

[ Ultimates # 2-7 and 9]

Soon after Earth was attacked by an alien race called Chitauri. During a climactic battle near Phoenix Captain America decided to use the Hulk against the aliens. He ordered soldiers to beat the Banner to induce transformation, but because it was naszprycowany antidote, it did not work. Bruce was so fired from the helicopter and just before hitting the ground turned into a Hulk. The creature attacked the captain, but told him that the leader Chitauri, Kleiser, boasted that he chose to Betty, when Banner was locked in his cell. Alien did not think that the Hulk will be a worthy adversary for him, but he underestimated him. The creature tore him to pieces and devoured. Then Rogers said that the pilots of the fleet Chitauri Hulk called a fag, so it was mad and started to turn to destroy alien ships. After the victory over Chitauri, Hawkeye Hulk hit an arrow with the antidote. Weakened creature almost grabbed Barton, but in the same season has changed in Banner, and lost consciousness.

[ Ultimates # 1912-1913]

Bruce had to return to his cell because his transformation still occurred without his control. For example, during the attack Magneto in the Triskelion, when the base lost power, Banner turned into Hulk and devoured six of its nurses, before being put to sleep by the gas.

[ Ultimate War # 2]

Later, however, his condition began to improve with therapy sessions with Charles Xavier and drugs prepared by Brankina. Over the next week once turned into the Hulk, and even then he behaved quietly, just watching TV. Betty started to persuade even Brankina to let her enter the cell Bruce. Banner also continued his work on serum, and together with Hank Pymem thought on new ideas for the characters.

The best period in the life of Bruce, however, ended when the information that he has destroyed Manhattan as the Hulk, landed in the public knowledge. Pressed Fury had no choice and had to allow the process of Banner, who questions answer from his cell. Defended by Matt Murdock was calm, but he did not believe that he could avoid punishment, he probably would die. When you visit Betty told her that she should feel guilty about the whole situation, because if it is better treated and accepted as it was, it never have happened in the desperate step and a modified serum wstrzyknąłby. Immediately afterwards, however, it apologized. Betty wanted to enter the cell, but the guard would not let her. So she wanted to hear from Bruce, that he loves her, but was ashamed to confess feelings before the TV cameras.

waiting for the verdict, Banner made a will and wrote letters to the families of persons killed as the Hulk. In the end, it came to Fury and told him that Bruce was acquitted because the Ultimates have convinced everyone that practically alone defeated Chitauri and thus saved the Earth. Bruce had drunk a toast champagne brought by Nick, which included a strong soporific, and he lost consciousness. He was then taken to an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean, where she had been dropped a bomb on him. Since the measure soporific prepared by Pym, however, was too weak, Bruce woke up in the last minute, changed into the Hulk, to withstand an explosion, and then swam to the coast of France. He called to Pym and thanked him for saving her life, and then using that, he was declared dead, he began to travel the world, eager to find a way to control the Hulk. In Paris he went to a psychiatrist for therapy, but when she suggested that he is afraid to talk to Betty and is still angry with her, turned into the Hulk, and demolished the office. For two weeks he worked on a farm in Ireland, but could not stand the fact that the locals laughed at his vegetarianism. While in India, I once again tried to call Betty. This time, however, waited until someone answers the phone, but I heard a male voice, and destroyed much of the street. In the end, he went to Tibet, the Panchen Lama to, the way the French climbers rescued from local bandits.

[ Ultimates 2 # 1-3, Ultimate Wolverine vs. . # 2 Hulk, Ultimates Annual # 1]

Monk helped Bruce overcome your second personality and he lived a quiet area surrounded by local women, and finally appeared in the temple Fury'ego sent by Wolverine. Mutant tried to provoke the Hulk to fight and finally he succeeded, he told him that he intends to make an appointment with Betty. Logan threw Hulk through a wall and struck him outside the temple, until finally he managed to catch him and break it in half. However, this did not stop Wolverine, who crawled to his feet. There was already waiting for him, Banner and told him to choose which of its limbs to eat but before he did, the battle appeared in She-Hulk. Hulk knew that it was Betty Ross, who told him that she came to help him, but he decided to take revenge for the fact that it broke his heart.

pair fought with each other, but finally came to an agreement. Fury At this point he had to drop a nuclear bomb on them, so Hulk took it upon himself, but before he and She-Hulk were separated, he told her that it will meet in Casablanca. When Bruce was flying there for a few days later, the plane Wolverine found him and started him indestructible obrożę zrobioną przez Forge'a, która udusiłaby go podczas przemiany w Hulka. Logan chciał, aby dokładnie tak się stało, ale Banner powiedział, że będzie go musiał zabić w postaci człowieka. Kiedy mutant odmówił, Bruce wyskoczył z samolotu, a Wolverine nie miał wyboru, podążył za nim, uwolnił go z obroży pozwalając przemienić się w Hulka i obaj wylądowali na pustyni. Tam czekał na nich już Nick Fury, który powiedział Bannerowi, że już wie, że nie może go zabić, ale chce go kontrolować. Przypomniał mu, że Betty znajduje się w jego rękach i jeżeli będzie be willing to once again see her, would have to return to work for him, but for now leave him alone.

[ Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk # 1-6]

Eventually Bruce returned to the U.S. and traveled to Washington just at the time when the country was attacked by the Liberators. Hulk destroyed many duplicates Crimson Dynamo, and then fought the Abomination. Chinese believed that easily can handle the enemy, as in the form of the monster still had his intellect, but was surprised because the Hulk was no longer mindless animal. During the fight broke Abominationowi hands, and then smashed his fist on his head. Then, alarmed by the Hawkeye, Captain America threw a shield at Abdul Al-Rahman, who was about to ask Rogers last hit their light swords, and cut off his hands in this way. Following the disclosure of the return of Loki and Thor, the Hulk with the other Ultimates fought the monsters of the Asgard and the victory.

[ Ultimates 2 # 11-13]

Some time after you disconnect from the Ultimates SHIELD, Hulk went into the hands Fury'ego and was brought on board to Earth Helicarriera 31916, where the characters on a mission to the release of Reed Richards. During the battle, the heroes of Marvel's Ultimate and Supreme Squadronów of two different realities Nick decided to let the Hulk in order to unite against a common enemy groups, and with him sent a Spider-Man in order to ensure that the creature did not eat anyone. Super-beings of the three worlds have a huge problem with stopping the iron giant, until finally they managed to beat him when Spider-Man Hulk blinded network, and Sue Storm, cut off his access to a field strength of air, which allowed Ben Grimmowi knock him out. Defeated Hulk was handed back to SHIELD.

[ Ultimate Power # 7-9]

order to eliminate forever the threat of the Hulk, Banner reported to Tony Stark, with a request to find a way to control change by nanobotów. Bruce Stark spoke to their establishments, Ironworks, in the desert in New Mexico. The study needed to change the Banner in the Hulk, so shut it in the tank and put the weather conditions that prevail on Venus. Bruce, changing in a giant, produced a further strengthening skeleton and muscles to survive. Upset at Stark's Hulk got out of the chamber, did not give up or stop the guards to sleep with anesthesia, which he injected in large quantities. The creature eventually came outside the laboratory, where he was attacked by Iron Man. After a brief exchange of blows Stark treated him mean neutralizing what turned him into Banner. Bruce woke up after eight hours and found out what happened. Tony told him that he instilled nanobotów fleet, whose task was to control cells Hulk and containment of change. As Bruce and so had to be under observation, Stark asked him to remain in the Ironworks, and continued working on a super-soldier serum, using the equipment base.

the same day the two were caught by Pete Wisdom, who hailed the Leader, and has also surrendered to experiment with their own serum, but he needed blood Banner and Stark, to complete the transformation. Looking forward to bring his blood, Tony stated that it is a way to release - may exclude nanoboty in the body of Bruce, but after the arrival Hulk to no resilience and you can not use them a second time. Banner was not sure whether it should be accepted, but Stark, without waiting for his decision, cut off the device, and then struck in the face of Bruce's head to bring about its transformation. Raging Hulk wanted to take revenge on Tony, but told him it was the Leader, who is on the outside, he did it. The giant has fallen out of the tent and began to break through the branches of Wisdom, and finally reached him. Leader attacked him with his mind, wanting to kill him, but Hulk quickly become resistant to to this attack. Moments later, Tony broke the Wisdomie requested his Iron Man armor, but this, however, managed to take control of the remote control aircraft approaching and told him to staranować themselves and their opponents. Hulk zatłukł Leader, survived the explosion of the plane and escaped.

[ Ultimate Human # 1-4]

In one possible future in which Susan Richards and the Fantastic Four rule the Earth, the Hulk, as one of the dangerous super-human, was imprisoned in the Gaza N. When others arrived by rebels of the past X-Men Fantastic Four and overthrew the rulers, the prisoners, including Banner, were freed.

[ Ultimate Fantastic Four / X-Men Annual # 1 ]

wandering across America Hulk came to town in Kansas, where he decided to eat breakfast. Since he was naked, they would not handle it, so he started to fuss. Zard, who also appeared there, he tried to call to order, but furious when Hulk insulted her and started beating her. Woman beaten giant, and was going to kill him, but decided to save him and dragged to a clothing store for people with unusual sizes, where he chose his trousers. After a common meal Hulk spent the night with Zard.

[ Ultimate Hulk Annual # 1]

Bruce Banner then went to New York just when the city was submerged by a wave caused by Magneto. Under the water turned into the Hulk and Spider-Man met, who persuaded him to help people who have suffered in the floods. Together they found the body of Daredevil, and when the giant returned to human form, Bruce thought that he is guilty of the destruction of New York and asked Peter to kill him and end his suffering. Parker disagreed, and Banner panicked, turned into the Hulk and began to chase after the New York City, until they came to Soho and destroyed by a flood of Doctor Strange's house, which became trapped there to escape the demons. Among them was Nightmare, which resulted in visions of a giant killed by these people. This enraged him and led the attack on the demon, who preferred to run away from him and hid in Kula Acmantaty. Hulk destroyed the magic item, and led to the explosion.

but he managed to survive, and then fought with Spider-Woman and the soldiers, before which it ochronili X-Men. Marvel Girl convinced him to help in the fight against Magneto and together with other heroes Hulk went to the North Pole. There, along with Colossus destroyed the engine room of the citadel Lehnsherr and led to its break up. When others have coped with Magneto, the giant returned with them to the United States.

[ Ultimate Spider-Man # 130-133 , Ultimatum # 1-2 and 4-5]

. . . Continued probably will again sometime.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business Card - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Real Name: Robert Bruce Banner
Other Aliases: Hulk, Bixby, David

Status: After the war with Magneto operates in secret.

Universe: Earth 1610 (Ultimate Marvel)
Class: superman
Nationality: American

Debut: Ultimate Marvel Team-Up # 2 (March 2001)
Last Performance:

Known Relatives: parents (names unknown), Jennifer Walters (cousin)
Connections Groups: Ultimates, SHIELD

Abilities: Under the influence of stress or adrenaline Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk - a giant green or gray, who has superhuman strength, stamina, ability to regenerate and making long jumps. Hulk is also able to adapt to environmental conditions, such as generating additional muscle and skeleton. In a similar way can immunize the attacks of various kinds. Cells were placed in the body of the Hulk Banner strive to ensure that the transformation into the Hulk to be sustainable.

Notes: In contrast to the regular Marvel universe, the world of Ultimate, Banner became the Hulk as a result of the trial on the serum on a super-human. This resulted in the transformation of the green Hulk. Later he explained his blood serum Captain America and re-injected himself, which in turn caused a transformation in the gray Hulk, and since then the color of the giant already in force. Well, unless an editor for Marvel przysnął and failed to ensure their colorists.

Bruce Banner is a frail, niezawysoki man with brown hair and eyes. After transformation into the Hulk turns over halftone and two and a half meter long creature with green or red eyes.

Over time it became clear that this is not the only one in the world of Ultimate Hulk. Mentioned at the beginning of the text, Professor Leonard Williams after taking the serum changed from skinny and moving on crutches man in a great and strong man capable of War Machine sweep the floor, he called Cash Tyrone and settled in South America, where local gangsters wytłukł and took them place. There lived a in peace, until Nick Fury decided to incorporate it into the Avengers threatening, he would tell his family that he is still alive. Mark Millar announced that Cash because of his skin color will have the nickname of Afro-American Hulk (which would not particularly appeal to him because he is English), but I do not went to the comic book. Also belonged to the Nerd Avengers Hulk, a copy of Bruce Banner's mind in the body of a clone of the Hulk - in theory, combines the best features of these two personalities, in practice, an individual of great physical power, which does not have much benefit on the battlefield, because it avoids clashes . Nerd Hulk became a member of the technical-scientific background Avengers, then was bitten by a vampire, their leader toppled and conducted an attack on the Triskelion to incorporate into his army more super-human. But his plans were frustrated by Captain America, who teleported SHIELD headquarters to the Middle East, where in the middle of the Hulk and the rest of the Nerd vampires were burnt in the sun.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Cat With Bowel Obstruction

Gamma News - Week XIII

thirteenth week, was not unlucky. Above all night waiting for us the biggest sporting spectacular show of the year, that is Wrestlemania 27. Who is not watching, this does not know what is lost. Launch a slag the best league in the world with Falubaz at the helm.

Meanwhile in the Hulk quite calmly. It would not be too much to write about if just the WonderCon convention in San Francisco did not announced the next miniseries from the sign Fear Itself with the green giant and a vampire in the lead role. All the rest when it seems unimportant. Today, a little, but this Wednesday will be at reading.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - News and News - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hero Initiative -

Another year and another Marvel charity. This time it was comic New Avengers Volume 2 # 1 lived to see a hundred of unique artwork by the best cartoonists of the world, which then were put up for auction and the proceeds from their sale is credited to the Foundation for needy artists. Little Hulk on the images there, but the initiative to correct and a lot of great illustrations, so I invite you to watch.

Montclare a Fearsome Four - http://www.newsarama...brandon-montclare-110328.html

New at Marvel writer Brandon Montclare Newsaramie interviewed about her both the event miniseries Fear Itself: Fearsome Four . Too many details are not revealed. Mostly focused only on the support of its crazy selection of characters. For the record, She-Hulk and Howard the Duck, Nighthawk and the Frankenstein monster in the face of this mini not only with fear, but Man-thingie.

Trailer Fear Itself -

little moving pictures and musics with awesome narration, or pompous Trailer Fear Itself. Nothing more, nothing less. To view the link to the source.

Hulk Vs. Dracula -

Message from the last moment. Straight from the convention was ongoing WonderCon in San Francisco. That the very popular recently in the Marvel series - vampires and event miniseries never too much. In September, starts with the title trzyodcinkowa mini Fear Itself: Hulk Vs. Dracula . The script will be responsible Victor Gischler, and Ryan Stegman for his drawings. The plot is easy to guess. While busy with all the characters will struggle with fear, nos Dracula and his horde of vampires will face Green in the hands of the beast wielding Serpent Hammer. It's going to grind and a lot of blood. This cover, probably the first number of the mini, is by Gabriele Dell'Otto. Serial

about She-Hulk? - #

feature film production is going to be about the adventures of She-Hulk. Rather, it's going to be on the fansite project loosely associated with Green Giant, but still. She-Hulk has to play bodybuilder Lisa Cross, and her human alter ego, dancer from the strip club, A certain Jemma Reseigh. No, today is not the first of April. If anything would happen, for sure I will still know about it. The source picture painted in green, Miss Cross.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Next Comic Wednesday - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wednesday nearest the full comic origins. Exits Fear Itself # 1 starting in earnest this probably the biggest event in Marvel history. Amazing Spider-Man Annual # 38 story begins "Identity Wars," in which the spider, the Hulk and Deadpool reach the alternative, the mirror dimension. Start the miniseries about the adventures Skaara in Savage Land, where the trailer should look, even for the bonus cover of Billy Tan, the fragment can be seen in the header.

Skaar: King Of The Savage Land # 1 -
Writer: Rob Williams
Penciller: Brian Ching

Son of Hulk conquers new world! Despite long-standing and good governance Ka-Zara is coming next battle for leadership of his land. I Skaar is not the only contender for the title. Plus wielgachne robots, dinosaurs and the ancients, evil geniuses and the Savage Land anymore, as it usually happens in such cases, it will not ever be the same!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Weekly She-bang in the Negliżu - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wonder Woman, She-Hulk, when a series was -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

If you notice any shortcomings, natraficie or themselves to some interesting information from the gamma world, without hesitation let me know in the comments. That's the same comic reviews outgoing. Any opinion is greatly appreciated.

Source: Comic Book Resources, Marvel, Newsarama, DeviantArt, Lisa Cross