Friday, April 1, 2011

What Company’s Think About Osha

CSFD statistics of March

March is gone and it is also entered another phase of the traditional monthly statistics. At this phrase each month beginning at least have a second, but in March did not deserve in any way an exception. It was a month of unfulfilled expectations and uninteresting fights for discussion. Actually, perhaps I was not even a well delivered, I referred to her. The CSFD the new look added a new radio (and a chat room for him). You'd better not ask or how many years it was planned and how radio really took a long time of execution and a happy thank you. Yet it remains a strange feeling in the air, writing that "the music you want to hear on the radio" in the discussion, in which all ideas are quickly lost and zakecány not ideal. The CSFD is perhaps nothing simple when it is complicated. Mainly, it is employed a further unpaid volunteers (someone tells them serfs, some stupid, I call them unpaid volunteers with a heart of palm). Moreover, a year and a day, so April 1, 2012, will run TV CSFD. Nobody's surprised, therefore, it will not even make the findings of the month. After going to work a little over 8 months before the world ends ... Is not it just not worth mentioning.

I even read somewhere that the CSFD rising professionals and professional solutions. Whether reader or other system casting the data into the database. Everything is finally demonstrated. In March, added 672 beautiful actors (as opposed to 41 in February), double the points of interest (442) and contents in 2759 (February 1659). Little things like less than 5000 new users and 30,000 new comments you leave it to the thoughtful to others. I bit the whole database colossus reminds the world economy. It grows in all directions, but like any bubble has burst one. We'll see where this comes a turning point, maybe it will strike the trade unions? After the railroad, government doctors and perhaps the time has come for small and large databases. Who will lead the trade unions, who will hear the most and who will be buried under thirty-yard lajn? The main thing to me in the film version starred Brad Pitt. Nobody else is so similar to me. Even in the day.

Let's build for free!

Last Boy Scout, waste companies and two paid advertisements
Last month I broke down the reasons for the success of CSFD Last Boy Scout, verbal. This Month He again managed a tour de force. He could join his brothers in the trick, and Malarkeyovi Eulenspiegel, and together they share the post with the most successful users outside the top 30th Malarkey It was a big star in February, but this month allowed (from 62 to 39 points). Maybe it's his place of residence and freezing Friday's lines to him, but it is one, watching movies, evaluate and account-point rise. Verbal is something else entirely, this comet in the field of CSFD is always visible and highly directed. Where to end? I am curious and always thinking a proper conversation with this person, who changed our view on the discussion and many users on it. And what about the waste of society? The one I had forgotten, because all the drive of either stagnate or fall. What is prettier than anyone to get rid of points? You know, give it to someone. This brings me to a very moving plea the points from me ... I had the man sent his photo at least, for me to commiserate, and give him a point, but that's dry and no reason to ask me. What is this world coming to. Where are the times TheMakera and others? Their willingness to point at least change or even write the word please was touching. Reverse appreciate what we have come ...

As for the ads. There are two. The problem is that both have not been paid. What should I do? For now, I mention that one of them is from someone who was ahead in points and second bluntmana ad is from the lady who has a profile bottom. Thanks to her fame on the forums, now everyone knows, I'm talking about. Fulfilled, now waiting for the kind Verča.

"The biggest quality of a person are points. "
Arnost Lustig

After the February march Cleopatra on the throne at the point it returned the best local golfer, the golfer. It fell off the back over a hundred points and the ball dropped to the edge of the hole. Zafoukal wind and then you can see how it ended. 116bodů Beautiful in February. You know how it was sufficient for evaluation in a month? 10, which is exactly 11.6 points per re-evaluation ... But of course, that's not counting. those other 5000 reviews from the past causes a golfer reviews almost all major movie and monitored. To him, as well as reviews, makes a great ad. Too bad there is no way to convert all alone ... and I really want to invent it. Anyway, Chase. Duo-Pomo Cleopatra handing it back. The fight for second place each day, and even more interesting last week when I watched the situation with a regular keyboard by pressing F5, Cleopatra was the winner. Then I joked with an unnamed user it Pomo long persists to be the third and ... Fool's first day of Cleopatra sent to third place. It should be anything more? The TOP 30 otherwise there were no significant changes. Points of users quite apart from the first three fell and there was also a couple of drops. Among them, the venerable surprise Faye -15 points with Gouryella-7b and the IMF-2b. This is quite an interesting example of that post to your favorite site (compare civalem or cat?) Does not mean success for CSFD. In his defense must be said that according to reviews and comments are visible to the database too not involved. And for that reason is the development of points visibly more noticeable by activity on the database than acquaintances from other sites. The same will soon be skipped Malarkeyem, which is for him to just two points ...

Where are the points, is bustling.

As usual, the other half (the remaining 70) of the top 100 has brought several interesting events. In addition to said "almost holy" trinity Malarkey, Eulenspiegel, the Verbal as users Cervenak, and T2 larelay zadařilo again. Beautiful 25, respectively. 30 points is all good success. It is clearly the T2 neoriginálnější current user database. His accurate and updated data on earnings bold appeal to just everyone. I also got it in Topcem. The spot number 21 ... The most significant jump since February demonstrated by Tom Riddle. In February, +3 to +21 in March. Who would not? Certainly bluntman, which was skipped by with their mere +4 points for March are still bets on the target group of intellectuals, Tetsuo who do not know. "The last user that their positive results in March, worth mentioning is Miss Viktooorka. Sweet 16, scored in March and we can celebrate. Not only the success but also move into the top 100, which expands the female minority. It was a it difficult to fight, which had to cope with suffering through intellectual Bigre (see the bulletin board in the profile) and at the same time keep all your (young) fans. But she did it, and only the future will show whether its deserved place in the sun. Incidentally, have moved into the TOP100 CAMRip famous lover, H34D. Perhaps the way he found a certain type of perspective on humor, which until recently took so deadly serious ...

March might at first glance looked good, but expanded the number of negative point allocation. It's interesting, but some users still maintain a negative balance of long and slowly leave topku. Hal_moore and handsome in the top 100 was not enough and left her. However, replacement of users in the top 100 is very slow and need more than 167 points to the user account much tied. It takes a strong and well-targeted image that attracts a large portion of users.

few "facts" in March 2011:
average increase in points by top 30: 34.8 b (last month 42b)
average increase of 31-100 points by TOP: 6 44b (7.63 b)
average increase in points by top 100: 15b (18b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "The Great Mover of the Month": Golfer 116b (117b Cleopatra)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Malarkey, Eulenspiegel, Verbal 39b (62 Malarkey b)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the biggest looser Database ": 15b-Faye (Faye -9 b)

After writing, I realized it was April. If someone had told me beforehand, I might as well put there some hidden joke or something. Damn, what my whole team is inventing themes and jokes ... The Simpsons writers would envy.

PS thanks for all the points. I appreciate your courage, put it just me, do not worry, I care about them every day and pour out those most beautiful and telling stories!

PPS: instead of a secretary is still available ...

PPPS: I greet her a fan Baru, who always reads my comments, even if the claim otherwise. Your interest in me is really pathetic, but I really can not be together. I was a kid and you got a girl so far: (

F * Djkoma


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