probably is not right that the site devoted mainly gamma kolosowi previously present his alternate version of the bios, than the original. But what to do. In ours,
in this case, gray-green, he joined the ranks of famous Ozz tossed from the place of the revised and supplemented by a curriculum vitae Ultimate Hulk.
Ultimate A world itself was created at the beginning of a new century and was a response to the needs of new audiences for more modernized and modernized the beginnings of the Marvel heroes. All this was be free from several decades of history, which in retrospect seems quite childish, not to say grotesque. Therefore, we invite you to become familiar with the alternative, re-written the life of the Hulk. Completely different, but how similar.
Little is known about the past of Robert Bruce Banner before he finished his studies, which have carried out two years earlier than it should. Being interested in creating a super-soldier serum and knowing that nobody out in the United States did not deal with this, he went to England and joined the team of Professor Leonard Williams. Under his Bruce grew direction, but work was interrupted by an accident in the laboratory, after which Williams was declared dead although his body was never found.
[ Comics Ultimate Avengers 2 # 2]
Banner returned to America where, in the meantime it was decided to repeat the success of the Second World War and create a new Captain America. During the eight years of work on this project in the facility at Dover, and later in Pittsburgh, Bruce met his superior's daughter - Betty Ross, he created a few, but every now and then they parted and returned to myself.
Banner was suspected of being funded from legitimate sources and not necessarily to test serum on civilians, despite the express prohibition Fury'ego. Bruce also tried the drug on himself, turned into a giant called the Hulk and seriously wounded his colleague, Richard Parker and his wife visiting him. Views little Peter Parker led the transformation of a giant back into human form, and a moment later he was knocked out by angry Fury'ego, who covered up the incident.
[ Ultimate Origins # 4]

Several years later, Banner once again turned into a green creature, and was chased across the United States, by General Ross and SHIELD soldiers. He appeared at last in New York, on the streets where he met with Spider-Man. Parker tried to stop the creature, but without success, at one point was nearly strangled by him - saved him defective lantern, which fell Hulkowi on his head and turned his attention. Not seeing a better way, Spider-Man pulled in the direction of the giant docks. There, tired of Hulk Banner turned into a conversation with Parker and told him between them and other super-beings, there is a bond, he knows very few people trying to maintain it in confidence. Before he could tell him anything more, there was Ross, and Bruce again turned into the Hulk and continued his escape. In the end, however, was captured and restored to its normal form.
[ Ultimate Marvel Team-Up # 2-3 ]
After the incident, Banner took a few months' leave from work. During this time, Betty left him, and he was under observation of physicians. When twelve weeks in his body not found any cells Hulk, Bruce met with Nick Furym, who just became the director of SHIELD. He told him about his plans to create super-human team, which has always been a supporter of Banner, and suggested that the program will be able to pass the budget dispute. Scientists will move from Pittsburgh to its new headquarters in Triskelionie, but because of an episode of the Hulk Banner had to agree that now that Hank Pym is the head of the program. Bruce agreed to these terms and continued his work, but it still did not bring results. His mood worsened success Pym, who managed to create a serum to increase human growth, which has tried for himself, becoming in this way, Giant Man.
Finally there is real hope that it will succeed Bruce well in his work when he was found in the waters of the Arctic frozen body of Captain America. Banner rozmroził Rogers and woke him up from a coma, but the thinking that is in German captivity, he began fighting with the guards and managed to escape from the lab. Only on the outside was stopped by Pym. Bruce continued to work, but still not able to achieve purpose. He was increasingly frustrated in its helplessness and the possibility of withdrawal of funding, since the Ultimates joined the real Captain America, and the insults on the part of Betty, who was head of the team that create the image of the media Ultimates.

In the end, thinking that the other Ultimates also laugh at him in desperation mixed with the blood serum Hulk Steve Rogers and injected it himself. Then he called Betty and told her what he had done, adding that he wanted to give idle Ultimates enemy to fight, but the moment later admitted that he longed for it to be big. Bruce unconscious in the street and was taken away by ambulance. During the reanimation serum started to work and Banner turned into Hulk, this time with a gray skin color. The creature went in search of Betty, who was on a date with Freddie Prinze Jr., breaking through Manhattan and killing pedestrians. Soon came to Ultimates. Giant Man captured the Hulk, but when he opened his hand, that he threw himself into his face and seriously wounded. Pym was saved by Iron Man, who drew the Hulk and rozbił się z nim w pustym budynku. Stwór wytrzymał strzały Starka, zerwał mu hełm i chciał pożreć, ale Tony potraktował go neutralizatorem myśli. Korzystając z chwili oddechu, wyrzucił Hulka z budynku na ulicę. Tam stwór został zwabiony przez Wasp w odpowiednie miejsce, gdzie zrzucono na niego czołg z Kapitanem Ameryką w środku. Hulk wydostał się spod żelastwa, ale został zaskoczony przez Rogersa, który kilkoma szybkimi ciosami powalił go na ziemię i chciał wstrzyknąć mu antidotum. Lecz Hulk w ostatniej chwili chwycił go za rękę i złamał igłę. Wtedy pojawił się Thor i odciągnął creature from Steve. He began to belabor him with his hammer, breaking the jaw and a pair of ribs. When I stopped Ultimates Hulk, Betty and Freddie got on board the helicopter. The captain said Hulkowi that his girlfriend's departure, so the Hulk began to chase the helicopter. This gave the time of the Wasp, who through the eye of the creature got into his brain, to sting him, which resulted in his conversion to Banner. Rogers ended the fight, knocking out Bruce's kick in the face.
When Banner came to himself by his wounds that he was asked in the form of the Hulk, Betty used to fight Manhattan as a campaign for the Ultimates, maintaining the secrecy is, in fact heroes fought with Bruce. Later, Banner has been visited in prison by Eammon Brankina, who told him that he temporarily became his deputy, and that as the Hulk has killed over eight hundred people. The biggest blow for Bruce, however, was that his blood tests showed that due to mixing with the blood serum Rogers Hulk cells have not disappeared from his body and try to involve their DNA permanently. Bruce had to remain in his cell, where he continued his work. Every now and then visited him and Betty relations between them began to warm. Banner also had a few occasions to smile, for example, when he learned that Steve Rogers, Hank Pym severely beaten.
[ Ultimates # 2-7 and 9]

Soon after Earth was attacked by an alien race called Chitauri. During a climactic battle near Phoenix Captain America decided to use the Hulk against the aliens. He ordered soldiers to beat the Banner to induce transformation, but because it was naszprycowany antidote, it did not work. Bruce was so fired from the helicopter and just before hitting the ground turned into a Hulk. The creature attacked the captain, but told him that the leader Chitauri, Kleiser, boasted that he chose to Betty, when Banner was locked in his cell. Alien did not think that the Hulk will be a worthy adversary for him, but he underestimated him. The creature tore him to pieces and devoured. Then Rogers said that the pilots of the fleet Chitauri Hulk called a fag, so it was mad and started to turn to destroy alien ships. After the victory over Chitauri, Hawkeye Hulk hit an arrow with the antidote. Weakened creature almost grabbed Barton, but in the same season has changed in Banner, and lost consciousness.
[ Ultimates # 1912-1913]
Bruce had to return to his cell because his transformation still occurred without his control. For example, during the attack Magneto in the Triskelion, when the base lost power, Banner turned into Hulk and devoured six of its nurses, before being put to sleep by the gas.
[ Ultimate War # 2]
Later, however, his condition began to improve with therapy sessions with Charles Xavier and drugs prepared by Brankina. Over the next week once turned into the Hulk, and even then he behaved quietly, just watching TV. Betty started to persuade even Brankina to let her enter the cell Bruce. Banner also continued his work on serum, and together with Hank Pymem thought on new ideas for the characters.
The best period in the life of Bruce, however, ended when the information that he has destroyed Manhattan as the Hulk, landed in the public knowledge. Pressed Fury had no choice and had to allow the process of Banner, who questions answer from his cell. Defended by Matt Murdock was calm, but he did not believe that he could avoid punishment, he probably would die. When you visit Betty told her that she should feel guilty about the whole situation, because if it is better treated and accepted as it was, it never have happened in the desperate step and a modified serum wstrzyknąłby. Immediately afterwards, however, it apologized. Betty wanted to enter the cell, but the guard would not let her. So she wanted to hear from Bruce, that he loves her, but was ashamed to confess feelings before the TV cameras.

waiting for the verdict, Banner made a will and wrote letters to the families of persons killed as the Hulk. In the end, it came to Fury and told him that Bruce was acquitted because the Ultimates have convinced everyone that practically alone defeated Chitauri and thus saved the Earth. Bruce had drunk a toast champagne brought by Nick, which included a strong soporific, and he lost consciousness. He was then taken to an aircraft carrier in the middle of the ocean, where she had been dropped a bomb on him. Since the measure soporific prepared by Pym, however, was too weak, Bruce woke up in the last minute, changed into the Hulk, to withstand an explosion, and then swam to the coast of France. He called to Pym and thanked him for saving her life, and then using that, he was declared dead, he began to travel the world, eager to find a way to control the Hulk. In Paris he went to a psychiatrist for therapy, but when she suggested that he is afraid to talk to Betty and is still angry with her, turned into the Hulk, and demolished the office. For two weeks he worked on a farm in Ireland, but could not stand the fact that the locals laughed at his vegetarianism. While in India, I once again tried to call Betty. This time, however, waited until someone answers the phone, but I heard a male voice, and destroyed much of the street. In the end, he went to Tibet, the Panchen Lama to, the way the French climbers rescued from local bandits.
[ Ultimates 2 # 1-3, Ultimate Wolverine vs. . # 2 Hulk, Ultimates Annual # 1]
Monk helped Bruce overcome your second personality and he lived a quiet area surrounded by local women, and finally appeared in the temple Fury'ego sent by Wolverine. Mutant tried to provoke the Hulk to fight and finally he succeeded, he told him that he intends to make an appointment with Betty. Logan threw Hulk through a wall and struck him outside the temple, until finally he managed to catch him and break it in half. However, this did not stop Wolverine, who crawled to his feet. There was already waiting for him, Banner and told him to choose which of its limbs to eat but before he did, the battle appeared in She-Hulk. Hulk knew that it was Betty Ross, who told him that she came to help him, but he decided to take revenge for the fact that it broke his heart.

pair fought with each other, but finally came to an agreement. Fury At this point he had to drop a nuclear bomb on them, so Hulk took it upon himself, but before he and She-Hulk were separated, he told her that it will meet in Casablanca. When Bruce was flying there for a few days later, the plane Wolverine found him and started him indestructible obrożę zrobioną przez Forge'a, która udusiłaby go podczas przemiany w Hulka. Logan chciał, aby dokładnie tak się stało, ale Banner powiedział, że będzie go musiał zabić w postaci człowieka. Kiedy mutant odmówił, Bruce wyskoczył z samolotu, a Wolverine nie miał wyboru, podążył za nim, uwolnił go z obroży pozwalając przemienić się w Hulka i obaj wylądowali na pustyni. Tam czekał na nich już Nick Fury, który powiedział Bannerowi, że już wie, że nie może go zabić, ale chce go kontrolować. Przypomniał mu, że Betty znajduje się w jego rękach i jeżeli będzie be willing to once again see her, would have to return to work for him, but for now leave him alone.
[ Ultimate Wolverine Vs. Hulk # 1-6]
Eventually Bruce returned to the U.S. and traveled to Washington just at the time when the country was attacked by the Liberators. Hulk destroyed many duplicates Crimson Dynamo, and then fought the Abomination. Chinese believed that easily can handle the enemy, as in the form of the monster still had his intellect, but was surprised because the Hulk was no longer mindless animal. During the fight broke Abominationowi hands, and then smashed his fist on his head. Then, alarmed by the Hawkeye, Captain America threw a shield at Abdul Al-Rahman, who was about to ask Rogers last hit their light swords, and cut off his hands in this way. Following the disclosure of the return of Loki and Thor, the Hulk with the other Ultimates fought the monsters of the Asgard and the victory.
[ Ultimates 2 # 11-13]
Some time after you disconnect from the Ultimates SHIELD, Hulk went into the hands Fury'ego and was brought on board to Earth Helicarriera 31916, where the characters on a mission to the release of Reed Richards. During the battle, the heroes of Marvel's Ultimate and Supreme Squadronów of two different realities Nick decided to let the Hulk in order to unite against a common enemy groups, and with him sent a Spider-Man in order to ensure that the creature did not eat anyone. Super-beings of the three worlds have a huge problem with stopping the iron giant, until finally they managed to beat him when Spider-Man Hulk blinded network, and Sue Storm, cut off his access to a field strength of air, which allowed Ben Grimmowi knock him out. Defeated Hulk was handed back to SHIELD.
[ Ultimate Power # 7-9]

order to eliminate forever the threat of the Hulk, Banner reported to Tony Stark, with a request to find a way to control change by nanobotów. Bruce Stark spoke to their establishments, Ironworks, in the desert in New Mexico. The study needed to change the Banner in the Hulk, so shut it in the tank and put the weather conditions that prevail on Venus. Bruce, changing in a giant, produced a further strengthening skeleton and muscles to survive. Upset at Stark's Hulk got out of the chamber, did not give up or stop the guards to sleep with anesthesia, which he injected in large quantities. The creature eventually came outside the laboratory, where he was attacked by Iron Man. After a brief exchange of blows Stark treated him mean neutralizing what turned him into Banner. Bruce woke up after eight hours and found out what happened. Tony told him that he instilled nanobotów fleet, whose task was to control cells Hulk and containment of change. As Bruce and so had to be under observation, Stark asked him to remain in the Ironworks, and continued working on a super-soldier serum, using the equipment base.
the same day the two were caught by Pete Wisdom, who hailed the Leader, and has also surrendered to experiment with their own serum, but he needed blood Banner and Stark, to complete the transformation. Looking forward to bring his blood, Tony stated that it is a way to release - may exclude nanoboty in the body of Bruce, but after the arrival Hulk to no resilience and you can not use them a second time. Banner was not sure whether it should be accepted, but Stark, without waiting for his decision, cut off the device, and then struck in the face of Bruce's head to bring about its transformation. Raging Hulk wanted to take revenge on Tony, but told him it was the Leader, who is on the outside, he did it. The giant has fallen out of the tent and began to break through the branches of Wisdom, and finally reached him. Leader attacked him with his mind, wanting to kill him, but Hulk quickly become resistant to to this attack. Moments later, Tony broke the Wisdomie requested his Iron Man armor, but this, however, managed to take control of the remote control aircraft approaching and told him to staranować themselves and their opponents. Hulk zatłukł Leader, survived the explosion of the plane and escaped.
[ Ultimate Human # 1-4]
In one possible future in which Susan Richards and the Fantastic Four rule the Earth, the Hulk, as one of the dangerous super-human, was imprisoned in the Gaza N. When others arrived by rebels of the past X-Men Fantastic Four and overthrew the rulers, the prisoners, including Banner, were freed.
[ Ultimate Fantastic Four / X-Men Annual # 1 ]

wandering across America Hulk came to town in Kansas, where he decided to eat breakfast. Since he was naked, they would not handle it, so he started to fuss. Zard, who also appeared there, he tried to call to order, but furious when Hulk insulted her and started beating her. Woman beaten giant, and was going to kill him, but decided to save him and dragged to a clothing store for people with unusual sizes, where he chose his trousers. After a common meal Hulk spent the night with Zard.
[ Ultimate Hulk Annual # 1]
Bruce Banner then went to New York just when the city was submerged by a wave caused by Magneto. Under the water turned into the Hulk and Spider-Man met, who persuaded him to help people who have suffered in the floods. Together they found the body of Daredevil, and when the giant returned to human form, Bruce thought that he is guilty of the destruction of New York and asked Peter to kill him and end his suffering. Parker disagreed, and Banner panicked, turned into the Hulk and began to chase after the New York City, until they came to Soho and destroyed by a flood of Doctor Strange's house, which became trapped there to escape the demons. Among them was Nightmare, which resulted in visions of a giant killed by these people. This enraged him and led the attack on the demon, who preferred to run away from him and hid in Kula Acmantaty. Hulk destroyed the magic item, and led to the explosion.
but he managed to survive, and then fought with Spider-Woman and the soldiers, before which it ochronili X-Men. Marvel Girl convinced him to help in the fight against Magneto and together with other heroes Hulk went to the North Pole. There, along with Colossus destroyed the engine room of the citadel Lehnsherr and led to its break up. When others have coped with Magneto, the giant returned with them to the United States.
[ Ultimate Spider-Man # 130-133 , Ultimatum # 1-2 and 4-5]
. . . Continued probably will again sometime.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Business Card - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Real Name: Robert Bruce Banner
Other Aliases: Hulk, Bixby, David
Status: After the war with Magneto operates in secret.
Universe: Earth 1610 (Ultimate Marvel)
Class: superman
Nationality: American
Debut: Ultimate Marvel Team-Up # 2 (March 2001)
Last Performance:
Known Relatives: parents (names unknown), Jennifer Walters (cousin)
Connections Groups: Ultimates, SHIELD
Abilities: Under the influence of stress or adrenaline Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk - a giant green or gray, who has superhuman strength, stamina, ability to regenerate and making long jumps. Hulk is also able to adapt to environmental conditions, such as generating additional muscle and skeleton. In a similar way can immunize the attacks of various kinds. Cells were placed in the body of the Hulk Banner strive to ensure that the transformation into the Hulk to be sustainable.
Notes: In contrast to the regular Marvel universe, the world of Ultimate, Banner became the Hulk as a result of the trial on the serum on a super-human. This resulted in the transformation of the green Hulk. Later he explained his blood serum Captain America and re-injected himself, which in turn caused a transformation in the gray Hulk, and since then the color of the giant already in force. Well, unless an editor for Marvel przysnął and failed to ensure their colorists.
Bruce Banner is a frail, niezawysoki man with brown hair and eyes. After transformation into the Hulk turns over halftone and two and a half meter long creature with green or red eyes.
Over time it became clear that this is not the only one in the world of Ultimate Hulk. Mentioned at the beginning of the text, Professor Leonard Williams after taking the serum changed from skinny and moving on crutches man in a great and strong man capable of War Machine sweep the floor, he called Cash Tyrone and settled in South America, where local gangsters wytłukł and took them place. There lived a in peace, until Nick Fury decided to incorporate it into the Avengers threatening, he would tell his family that he is still alive. Mark Millar announced that Cash because of his skin color will have the nickname of Afro-American Hulk (which would not particularly appeal to him because he is English), but I do not went to the comic book. Also belonged to the Nerd Avengers Hulk, a copy of Bruce Banner's mind in the body of a clone of the Hulk - in theory, combines the best features of these two personalities, in practice, an individual of great physical power, which does not have much benefit on the battlefield, because it avoids clashes . Nerd Hulk became a member of the technical-scientific background Avengers, then was bitten by a vampire, their leader toppled and conducted an attack on the Triskelion to incorporate into his army more super-human. But his plans were frustrated by Captain America, who teleported SHIELD headquarters to the Middle East, where in the middle of the Hulk and the rest of the Nerd vampires were burnt in the sun.
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