Ah, the Hulk with anyone unless there is no worse than the balance of my favorite namesake - Black Bolt. It's probably the only force in the universe, with whom even a green giant can not match. All the more happy to describe their first start in the first hulkowym Annualu and by the way I start with the fun Who's Next? ? ! , where all kinds of rules can be found below in the comments.
But first, as I said, the first meeting with Black Bolt Hulk. The good old days, when heroes could not just like that fall into each other, but we had to build longish story in which only their fists in the final crossed the main characters. But after the turn.
were ancient times, when green, wild Hulk szwendał after the mountainous areas in search of peace and someone who could be friends. Charming. Instead, the gamma colossus of course ran into the local villagers, and you know right away they came together and caught the pitchforks and torches. And here comes the master grating of the story, because according to the author's Annual everything happens in the Alps, and it really should be in the Himalayas. Because it was there, in South Asia, working in parallel to share the numbers of outgoing regular Hulk series, and there also were Attilan city, about which more later.

Black Bolt, meanwhile, dealt with their routine, royal duties. He had to judge and condemn the conspirators who wanted to overthrow his government at the instigation and on behalf of his mad brother Maximus. All this was happening in the hideout Inhumans, in the said city Attilan, which was then called the Great Refuge, hidden among the mountains, and separated from the rest of the world by an impenetrable barrier.
conspirators (Aiero, Leonus, Falcon, Neublo, Timberius and Stallior) were sentenced to perpetual imprisonment in a mysterious force field and a fenced area called Un-Place. Probably in another dimension, where they wyteleportował Lockjaw - faithful dog royal beast. Lockjaw
When he returned to Earth, the bodies of bad luck, that was just between the Hulk and trying to overtake him peasants. Green Giant big doggie attacked, and did not see other way to escape teleported with him. Lockjaw Hulk moved to the Un-Place and left it there along with the conspirators. Soon, however, thanks giant green brute force and zakulisowemu, technological support from Maximus, managed to break the force field and leave the Un-Place. The conspirators along with the Hulk returned to the Great Refuge and took in what they do best, namely conspiracy.

Green Giant attilańskich meanwhile grabbed the attention of the police and he engaged them in a fairly exhaustive brawl. Inhumans began to destroy the city and tried to break through the barrier that surrounds them. To make matters worse, he once again exploited the conspirators and Maximusowi and earned them a powerful and dangerous weapons.
When the Hulk finally met them, he began another bashing, but those with previously acquired weapons deprive him out and again tried to overthrow the governments of Black Bolt. However, the ruler of the Inhumans for his ability and majesty quickly restored order. Meanwhile, the Hulk came to him and he decided to bring justice to the conspirators. Broke out a little confusion and a green giant was already so rozłoszczony that attacked the Black Bolt. Imagine his surprise when the ruler of the Inhumans has taken on his jaw, and even blow up while not winced. Then he gave a hundred times harder. The place had become seriously, and times were becoming stronger and more dangerous. In the end Hulk crippled opponent grabbing his both hands and when he tried to crush them, Black Bolt, he whispered a word in the face. This was enough to shake the whole city Attilan, generate huge crater damage and put a green giant.
Hulk lost consciousness, but only for a moment. When he awoke he could still save Black Bolt before one of the conspirators. And after all, the ruler Inhumans, who guessed that the Hulk was just used to it and all the strife was a misunderstanding, offered him friendship and a place in his kingdom. But the green giant felt that other residents Attilan are not as forgiving as their king and hate gamma Goliath, so he left. End.

described the fight took place in Incredible Hulk Vol 2 Annual # 1 , somewhere in the middle of 1968. Interestingly, this comic came out as a simple special edition, which, over time, like these next few specialists, has been renamed the Annual. Screenplay stories presented here correspond to a certain Gary Friedrich and Marie Severin for his drawings. But the comic has passed into history, not because of them and develop the world's Inhumans, but mainly because of the excellent climate and Jim Steranko cover , which quickly entered the canon hulkowego and received dozens of references over time.
Winner: Black Bolt. One word whispered in his face was enough to deprive the Hulk unconscious.
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