series after several months of break, came back and it was worth the wait, because this is after many years of stagnation on the site of the main gamma-ray writer for Peter sat down again David, a legend hulkowych adventures. From here, he voiced doubt on everything that happened in my life Banner over the past few years, and moved it to the House Of M . Run by Peter David may have been short, but it is fraught with its consequences. Well, Hulk
for unknown reasons, goes to a mysterious island, where the haze of the absurd is faced with its many nightmares, and then also with their master. He meets another shocking facts about himself and his beloved Betty Ross. So I've been a great gamma family is increased by more members. And when it gets House Of M , green giant must decide whether or not to stand against the mutants for humanity, which the parties have already suffered one.
's temporary return of Peter David and a turning point in the lives of Bruce Banner.
Event Type: Internal run
Number of Journals: 11
Date of first issue: 2005-01-05
Released last issue: 2005-10-05
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Starring - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* Hulk [Bruce Banner]
* Daydream [Gwen], Ripley, Nightmare, Mindless Ones
* in retrospect: Bruce Banner, Banner-Susan Elizabeth Drake, Major Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross, director of the Guinness M. * Betty Ross
* Patricia "Tricia", Edward Perkins, Tom Perkins
* w rzeczywistości House Of M : Hulk, Scorpion [Thanasee Rappaccini], Monica Rappaccini, Aaron Isaacs, Adam Aaronson, doktor Lazlo, Gateway, Exodus, Pyro, Unus, Vanisher, Magneto
* Monica Rappaccini, Gateway, Scorpion [Carmilla Black], Derek Khatana, Ayna Sareva
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lista Komiksów - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 #77: "Tempest Fugit" - Part 1 of 5
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 #78: "Tempest Fugit" - Part 2 of 5
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 #79: "Tempest Fugit" - Part 3 of 5
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 80: "Tempest Fugit" - Part 4 of 5
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 81: "Tempest Fugit" - Conclusion
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 82: "Dear Tricia ..."
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 83: "Terra Incognita" - Part 1
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 84: "Terra Incognita" - Part 2
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 85: "Terra Incognita" - Part 3
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 86: "Terra Incognita" - Conclusion
Incredible Hulk vol. 3 # 87: "Awakening"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Streszczenie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Incredible Hulk Vol 3 # 1977-1981: "Tempest Fugit"
Writer: Peter David
Drawings: Lee Weeks
Green Hulk, do not know why, marching a step the ocean floor, expounding mindlessly with everything in its path. His body was found the next incredible ability. The lungs have adapted to the prevailing conditions and completed a kind of fluid perfluorokarbonowego. Do not pressure him to suffer, or even a lack of oxygen. We do not know how much longer lives under water, or what, but in the end Hulk Overlooking the shore of a strange island and turns into a very confused Banner. This falls exhausted on the beach, hoping for a little rest, but none of that. Right from the nearby bushes pops up a couple of young teenagers, Gwen and Ripley, who crashed on the island some time ago. So begins a chaotic coincidence. Everything is kept in the fumes of the absurd, and the Hulk has to fight some crazy and spectacular duel with a completely unexpected opponents (among other things with himself, Wolverine and Fin Fang Foomem). In the end, Banner discovers that his adversaries are actually changing the form of Mindless Ones. And when events are completely implausible, Bruce finds that all this must be an illusion, and one entertains his expense. He decides to stop it and stops responding to surround him from all sides and threatened danger. Meanwhile, Gwen
and Ripley encounter an equally improbable event. Despite some seemingly logical explanations of what is happening on this island, and so finally comes to light, that it was a lie and a delusion. Again, for all stand Mindless Ones, someone behind the scenes which He commands. And Gwen turns out to be something much more important in the whole the story and not quite an ordinary girl.
stratagem Banner brought the expected results, and he finally stood face to face with the real perpetrator of this mess. Although he received various forms of famous and non-indifferent form of Bruce, and so he did not deceive him. And when Banner after the Hulk transformation began to lose patience, then a longer conscious Gwen and all became clear.

The Nightmare is behind all this. He led the Mindless Ones, the Hulk pulled here and amused himself at his expense. Mr. Dream and nightmares became obvious after the attacks in New York so much power out of fear, which then crept into the souls of the millions that he had made himself his own island, and without hindrance affects the reality of the world. Nightmare admitted that he is playing Banner's life for several years and many of the recent events did not occur. Or rather, they were mixing the illusion of wakefulness. Therefore, Betty is still probably not alive, it was not a deadly disease, hundreds of incarnations, Devil Hulk, Home Base, and many other events. By the end we do not know what was real and what is not. It is terribly enraged Hulk, the more that the end is not yet Nightmare'a revelations. Apparently, Gwen, that he himself later Banner ironically named Daydream, and to have adopted, is the daughter of Betty Ross, and it is your nightmare, which tormented her during her coma hibernation. That was too much. Green giant broke Nightmare head and left the island. And Gwen, meanwhile, already aware of its origin and inherited power, disappeared along with his beloved Ripley. My father made it to went in his footsteps and be entertained at the expense of ordinary mortals, but she chose a life with one of them.
But as is easily guessed, Nightmare is still alive. Perhaps this was another of his tricks. After all, started a new illusion and fun, and on the shore of the island came out confused Betty Ross! Now it's even harder to distinguish truth from falsehood.
Meanwhile, Banner's adventures on the island, his exhausted mind, the reasons known only to himself, and perhaps specifically for the misbehavior Nightmare'a, constantly reminded, recreating the events that took place many years ago, when Bruce was a little under the care of her aunt Susan Elizabeth Banner-Drake. He arrived there after he killed his father eyes of the mother. During the school was closed in itself, and insensitive, and superhuman intelligence did not provide him a friend. They did not like him either students or even teachers with the Director of Guinness in the lead. All this provoked various incidents. Also came to light that Bruce had already manifested psychological problems that manifested themselves in his consciousness as an imaginary friend, whom he called Hulk. Thus, the green giant was already sitting in it for a long time before the accident with a gamma bomb. He then became interested in the army already, and it is well known to us Thaddeus Ross, then a major, Banner paid a visit to my aunt and the army launched a guide and follow their careers a little Bruce. Indeed, such a genius could not go to waste.

Incredible Hulk Vol 3 # 82: "Dear Tricia ..."
Writer: Peter David
Penciled by Jae Lee
Banner went to London. There, quite accidentally stumbled on something of Tricia and once in a strange way between the two clicked. Unluckily, that a woman is not enough that she was engaged, it's still a moment later was killed in an attack on the eyes Bruce. This caused his transformation into the Hulk. And Tricia was revealed to him in astral form. It turned out that she is a sorceress and a moment before her spirit left his body. But this is only a temporary solution and soon it will go into oblivion. Tricia asked the Hulk to help her find the gunman before he died, and he agreed. Woman suspected of several local occultists and wants them found the green giant, and she will read from their aura response. In the meantime, polished in mystical matters Bannerowi Tricia revealed that they were meant for each other that in a previous life had be lovers. Hence this whole infatuation between them. Unfortunately it is too late. Bomber also failed to find, so Tricia Bruce asked about last favor, he slowly begins to disappear. A woman wants her boyfriend he has passed on, Edward Perkins, what happened. Banner found him, knew not even his son, Tom, and then saw how terrified just before the disappearance of Tricia pointed at the boy. He understood her without words, after all, supposed to be there for each other. Bruce immediately transformed into the Hulk and barely restrained by the crushing of outrageous Tom and ominous, but it scared him to death and ran, hoping that maybe it relieved a little rest in eternal Tricii. Maybe in the next life are they both had much more luck and will meet again.
Incredible Hulk Vol 3 # 1983-1986: "Terra Incognita"
Writer: Peter David
Penciled by Jorge Lucas
Wanda Maximoff has once again lost in his power and madness. Suddenly he lost control over himself and completely changed the whole of reality. The world as we knew it ceased to exist, and the mutants were the new lords of the earth. Thus began House Of M . And in this new environment is found Banner?

Bruce in this new reality refuge in Australia. Joined the Aboriginal tribe led by the gateway and live among them in peace and harmony. By the time the AIM targeted by Monica Rappaccini, self-styled defender of the human race, there began to organize around the refugee camps. Quickly led to the invasion of armed militias led by the mutants. Refugees, which led Scorpion Rappaccini's daughter, sustaining big losses and then, willy-nilly, in all mingled with the Hulk. Mutants rapidly lost, and even commanding them untouchable Unus could not do anything about it. After winning the battle, the Hulk did not even want to hear anything about helping in the fight for the rights of homo sapiens and returned to his tribe. But Gateway, which can travel through a dreamlike dimension, time and space, he realized that everything around is a dangerous illusion, and his longed-for peace of mind is only illusion. He then persuaded the Banner that he should be involved in the case of people and thus has made its brick to return the world back on track.
Hulk Alliance with AIM not escaped the ruling mind exodus of Australia and its przybocznym, Pyro and Vanisherowi. They had expected that they would soon come to a confrontation, and rightly so. And all were sold primarily by a man named Adam, the son [or rather the product, because it is widely known as a robot Teen Machine - BB ] Aaron Isaacs, a right hand Rappaccini, who went to the mutant captured during the attack described above. Exodus finally fell rapidly, although for a moment, he managed to subdue a mentally Banner, but in a confrontation with the power of the Hulk he had no chance. And after all, the green giant was hailed as the new ruler of Australia.
Australia soon became a refuge for homo sapiens, and Banner, and Monica began to share his couch. Rappaccini quickly ensnared him, she began using her charms to manipulate and the way it turned out that have met years ago in college, which resulted in niezobowiązującym sex. Meanwhile, Australia przyjmowała consecutive crowds of refugees, the Hulk has sent a notice to the world that is his, free from persecution mutancich, sick bay. But it turned out that the continent is not at all is not such a paradise. People in strange circumstances began to disappear. AIM experimented on them and helped build its own army of cyborgs to fight the mutants. Banner and Scorpion, who started their own small, private investigation soon uncovered the whole plot, and found that is behind everything Monica Rappaccini. Soon confronted with an army of angry Hulk cyborgs in Sydney, with the green giant emerged victorious, of course, on the occasion of destroying the glorious opera. However, Monica Rappaccini tumbled all the blame on one of his trusted colleagues, a certain Dr. Lazlo, which killed herself and then bought in the favor of Banner.
Some time later he contacted Banner Magneto. After a short, rough talk and a few threats, a truce ended and recognition of Australia as an asylum for homo sapiens.
[Note: The above story of "Terra Incognita" is part of the crossover House Of M . - BB ]

Incredible Hulk Vol 3 # 87: "Awakening"
Writer: Peter David
Figures: Adam Kubert
House Of M ended as abruptly, What started. A Banner woke up suddenly in the normal reality in bed with Monica Rappaccini. Both do not remember, had only a strange feeling that something they are united, no, and again came to the fact that they know already from his student days. Soon after the Hulk had to deal with the protection of the residence, in which he woke up, contacted by Gateway. This just remembers everything House Of M Bruce and proposes a return to the tribe, where he will again be able to live in peace.
During the trip to the bush, they tracked down the special cell SHIELD, in which they worked, inter alia, Derek Khatam, Ayna Sareva and Scorpion. The latter announced that this time it manages to catch his mother, a terrorist with AIM. Unfortunately, its shares ended terribly unfortunate, because it led to infuriate the Hulk. Having lost control of the green giant, let the smoke throughout the surrounding bush and Aboriginal settlement. Meanwhile, Monica Rappaccini escaped, and helped her in that agents of AIM.
After all, the burning rubble of the Jeno ostali Banner and Scorpion, completely unaware that they may be related. Girl returned to SHIELD and Bruce went further in exile around the world, claiming that it is not worthy to have peace and harmony among the Aborigines.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Repercussions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
* It turned out that Nightmare Banner toying with life and do not affect the past few years. So everything that has happened so far in the series Incredible Hulk Vol 3 has at least brought into question, if not erased from continuity. But it's Nightmare, and with him you never know.
* Betty Ross, although considered dead, or, if you will, who will remain in a coma for hibernation, appeared on the island Nightmare'a, but you can not be sure if it's not another case of an illusion.
* Daydream implied Nightmare'a daughter and Betty Ross. The Lord said to haunt the nightmares of Banner's wife in his dreams during its hibernation, and amused himself at her expense. For these playthings was Gwen, and later named by the Hulk Daydream.
* We met for the first time Bruce's aunt, Susan Elizabeth Banner-Drake, who took care of him after his mother's death, when his father was locked in a mental asylum.

* It came to light that the Army has invested and interested in education, Banner, and confirmed that the Hulk was sitting in his head long before the accident with a gamma bomb. He was a little imaginary friend Bruce, who revealed himself after he saw the death of his mother.
* Patricia A certain that Banner met in London shortly before her death, was to be dedicated to him, a perfect second half. Apparently they were made for each other.
* During House Of M Hulk became ruler of Australia, but despite the announcement szumnych played no more role in the whole crossover.
* Writer Peter David has made several times hinted that the Scorpion was the daughter of Banner, but did not confirm this until the end.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Reviews and Comments - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Black Bolt: Peter David is back for a moment and immediately know why it is regarded as one of the best writers hulkowych. Everything here is thoughtful and full of flavor, and the text spoken by the characters, as usual in his case, grab the reader. What's better, creating a story with Nightmare PAD popular zdezawuował almost everything that has happened so far in the series Incredible Hulk Vol 3 , and so did not like the loudest fans of the green giant. It is therefore not surprising that they adopted his brief run with huraoptymizmem. But on the other hand, David did it in such a way that the case is still open and uncertain. More about the scenario, there is nothing to write much, you just might want to read. A pleasure to read.
However, when it comes to drawing, it again shone Lee Weeks. Well-known brand and a reputation. Description of your skills also gave Jae Lee. The only pity is that in one issue, because the Hulk jego wykonaniu jest zjawiskowy. Co do Jorge Lucasa, to trudno mi się zdecydować. Styl taki lekko cartoonowy, przez co raz mi się bardzo podobało, a innym razem wcale. A ostatni komiks narysowany przez Adama Kuberta, cóż... nie oszukujmy się, nie był to jego najlepszy wytwór.
Z dodatkowych rzeczy. Wśród okładek znalazło się kilka istnych perełek. Utrzymany w mrocznych klimatach Hulk na piekielnym rumaku, ilustracja nawiązująca do Frankensteina, czy te zdobiące komiksy będące częścią House Of M . Niestety jak zwykle nie ustrzeżono się kilku wpadek literniczych. Taki mały szczegół, ale jednak rzucający in the eyes.
conclusion. Thing worthy of attention, even though most of the rune is a short story zapchajdziury and forced cross. But the passage from the Nightmare is the most important, because it's an important turning point in the lives of the green giant.
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