at the very beginning I have to say that the Priest had to go to a movie no one who does not like bin full of cliches (a) the ideas, driven by sheer extremes. Times of Mad Max and other B-post apocalyptic movies are long gone, but it's nice to occasionally remember them. Priest offers exactly that, riddled with plenty of different-quality effects. The environment set in an alternative future, while referring to the typical features of western and religion (the ubiquitous Cross) will delight fans of the genre as well as symbols and clichés that goes with it. Western is epitomized by the bad guy, clothing, substitute Horses modern bike (Star Wars MOP), works well and contrast, and trendy urban wasteland with compulsory faith. These cities are very nice, an urban concentration of Judge Dredd, Blade Runner and other similar films. After all, there comes pile of interesting ideas, among which I highlight in particular the automated confessional. Brilliant idea, where the rush of a religious symbol of forgiveness and confession to the absolute extreme. Indeed confessor confesses automated recording of "supreme" which is generated by his sins ... At least there will be no sexual harassment).
Priest as a movie based on the original comic book has clearly-defined symbols, characters, and a small number of very strongly relies on the appearance. Priest passes destroyed the world, cities and peripherals alternative wild west just happy. Fortunately, the actors in this environment and, above all not lost Trinity, Paul Bettany (Priest), Maggie Q (Priestess) and Karl Urban (Black Hat) is a high standard of the genre. In particular, the latter has little space, but really using it completely, even if the male gets more sympathy for Maggie Q and its Asian visage. The attentive viewer would be asked during the story to the bitter question, but is not too much space, because the priest on his bike literally raced to the big action finale and occasionally casts an idea or details that the audience entertained for the next few minutes. And all those bits and pieces borrowed from other movies or games, let it be, it is after all a movie, and it has to be especially fun and maybe add something to ponder as the Priest in the world can be quite true. It's not as interesting as Daybreakers , but the effort was there, number two will be deepening:). For example, the film is very subtly mentioned theme of self-destruction of human cities of their religious blindness (no vampires, no longer) and heavy industry (in cities no longer without sun).
deserves mention is also an excellent soundtrack by Christopher Young, who is not afraid of a few religious motifs ( I Have Sinned ) and strong motives ( A World Without End , Blue Cathedral City). His music alternates with the freer melodic passages raucous action, which the film is perfectly functional. I was listening to himself a little worried, but ultimately in vain, because the soundtrack has one face, which keeps the whole 55 minutes (the film has 87 minutes:)). Personally, for orchestra and chorus singing, and there are weaknesses in every song ...
PS in the movie is intentionally low humor, so that everyone is still serious. Thanks for that!
PPS: What is an American post-apo movie you will hear a priest talking with other church officials in the bar to the accompaniment of polka?
PPPS: If I can advise, go to the 2D
Nabušené modern bin, which is a shame and nothing about anything he plays. Nice return for thirty years back ...
Rating 60%
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