Tuesday, July 6, 2010

How To Get Last Drop Of Urine Out

CSFD statistics of June

Holidays are here and the last month of school is over. Most of the classroom and professional responsibilities for running the direction of film and music festivals, and you gain more ordinary people who do not want to deal with many tickets for scheduled performances will this time and how much time will have the defection of the hall on the other side of the colonnade (in Carlsbad health) remain at and monitors their television. This festival hype me this time passing a wide arc, even when the video with Jude Lawem and karaoke performances at the party Jiri Machacek about anyone noticed. And the rest? Basically nothing. The program should Vary I drove with one eye and he quickly dropped. What else? CSFD was June in its essence a very peaceful, and boring, I guess. Silly season has started and is not so much about what to write, which, as usual (this phenomenon can be seen in literature, movies, and especially the press) provides a great time for conspiracy theories and pulling lists from the last dusty drawer office table ... What did I find?

Pomo x Clash Cleopatra - a duel with the father of the founder's mom is quite harsh, most months of the year are both very balanced, which statistics show, but so far the biggest surprise was the month of April, the Pomo had 30 points more than Cleopatra (by the way , the same thing happened in July last year!). Why? All sorts of speculation are flying. It can delete inactive user accounts that support the first lady CSFD after doubts about continuing growth THROUGH point account. I even heard that one user Poma took out topky, but not diminished him a spot! This is unconfirmed information, but it scares me ...

create new opportunities for the names of movies - secret change that is not the most famous, of waiting for the second year (famous for "a package of amendments is at the level of legends such as Duke Nuken Forever and perhaps surpass it), but only improvements for the slaves of the modern world, pitcher films / directors / actors / actresses aspol. ... These modern-day slaves working under terrible conditions against Russian Gulag which is Disneyland. What do you have? Even the bread with a little water in the price ... but perhaps with time everything changes. Their work may be rewarded not only "your duty is to build my country, but also financial. It's another rumor that will involve more than the few, but even so it was a step forward. So what is consisted of a change? But the ability to add more names to the film, which means nenahodit two or three, but perhaps even five, a little extra work never hurts!

... Every month extra color! .. .

counties and sort users
The discussion also dealt with, as it is with the county. I do not know what happened to them is, but berg.12 suggested the possibility that they are sorted by the number of users of them. This idea was quick calculations of length less than five minutes, challenged and refuted. But when I had data on the number of users in different regions, why not share them? They are nice numbers, often correspond to the actual distribution population, but on the other side ... Indicate the truth is all :-) I met with the deliberate changing the region of times (Posthumous master changed his Pardubice day after what we did in points and prevented Chupacabra turn flips like region, depending on where it first:)). What follows from this way? That probably no one except Mr. Head does not know how the regions are sorted. But the feeling that someone knows, I was quite comforting. Holt probably correct section.

... where words are not enough, there is sufficient image

Black Chronicle Comrade Pilátová

AngelAngie-one knows about it, CSFD is it too small and does not like it here, but gets another 17 points to his collection ... where users give you eyes? Perhaps the television program ...

DaviD3141 - the drive is swapped 9 points a daily basis for at least 3 movies and is able to promise what you want. If does not work in spots, so he missed the profession ...

others? Who? Proposals for monitoring and classification of one chronicles are welcome!

points alone fell by default. Decreased the average number of points that were added in the top30 users, similar to the top 31-100. One falls, falls second:) the overall average was 10.4 points per user, which is most degraded user TheMaker monologue and who probably somewhere talking or exchanging cards and forget about their activity on the database pages. Anyway, I wrote a monologue to be three times due to one of its contents are still written off ... Overwrite the content of the plot just is not right even if you are used to write a monologue ... Golfer is defeated this time, the loss of his 12 points in winning the Poma is a small, but it hurts more. Next month's 20 points THROUGH painted again with gusto, I bet :-) interesting surprise for me is not very familiar user Pumiiix who scored beautiful +24 b aspiring and broke the old standbys, two-AngelAngie Larelay. Keep it up man (perhaps it is a girl ...). What next? Cucumber and pineapple. (For 120 years, they consider me a genius, you deliberately choose one type of vegetable and one type of fruit ... something like David Lynch or Quentin and his case: D)

few "facts" for June 2010:
average growth points by TOP 30: b 24.8 (30.9 last month, b) Average growth
points TOP 31-100 users: 4.2 b (4.6 b) Average growth
points by top 100: 10.4 b (12.5 b)
most points in the TOP 30 aka "Big Frog Month": Pomo 58b (76b Golfer)
most points in the top 31-100 aka "Little Frog Month": Pumiiix 24b (26b Cervenak)
lost most points of the top 100 aka "the frog, you can not jump": TheMaker and monologue-3b (Bart and Chupacabra-4b)

Thank you very much for reading, watching my blog, trust and points!

PS: I would humbly like to say that a certain user whose nickname is djkoma (expurgation, paid advertising in the text without permission CRTB) achieved great success and that of 1000 points. I would like to congratulate him, saying that his first grand might not be the last but certainly it's the sweetest! His name would also like to thank all those who support him, give him the point he write messages, emails and message board on the profile (for those out there write obscene chatter thank you too, Yes indeed I have, in fact, we just play it all!).

PPS: That's All Folks!

F * Djkoma


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